Chapter 6

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Everything seemed calm at least for now. Michael held tightly onto the sleeping Jake keeping the man near him. Andrew had just walked in on them and saw Michael glaring at him. He knew he had fucked up but having your older brother glaring daggers at you for mistreatment was already hard enough. As he also knew if he did hurt Jake again he will be a dead man. Even through he was the stronger brother, Michael is the much stealthier and witty one out of the two.

Laying Jake down on the bed Michael walked over to Andrew and pushed him out of the door. Before slapping him across the face and slamming the door on it as well. Michael went back to the sleeping Park and lays next to them wanting to keep them warm.

It was all silence was more.

Peaceful finally as all came to a slumber. No screams of terror, no joyful laughter and most definitely no Laurie Strode or Samuel Loomis. Just Michael and Jake in bed while Andrew was outside sleeping on the most uncomfortable couch. There was only peace and quiet in that old barn house made with rotten wood and filled with infested rats as well.

So the very next morning twins planned on moving as this wasn't a safe environment for Jake. They let him sleep as they carried him to the van and drove off. In hopes of a much more stable home for Jake to live in.

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