Chapter 14

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Was all Loomis was as he got inside his car after that meeting. He still felt rage from the younger male who had no care for this case. "Kids these days have no respect." He says before driving off.

As for Jake, he had just woken up. Feeling better even if it's a little. As he trys to get up he realised his ankle was chained to the bed. So he assumed that the brothers had done it in hopes that he won't leave when ever they are gone for a kill.

"How did my life come to be like this?" He says calmly as he looked around him in hopes of finding anything that he can use to get the chain off of him. 'If I can't find anything that will unlock the cuff than I guess I'll just have to do the next best thing.'

Jake searched finding nothing then looked through the drawer finding a knife. It was too big to fit in the key shaped hole of the cuffs so he brought it near his leg. Cover his mouth with a piece of cloth biting it he began to try to cut his ankle off.

Bringing the knife deeper into his own flesh as it bleeds. He will ever die from blood lose or if he's lucky enough he would have a chance to escape. Once he had hit the bone of his ankle Jake was almost screaming in pain as it burns. Unaware that they had came back.

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