Chapter 16: Once Again With Freddy

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~ Glamrock Bonnie's POV ~

Once Monty left me alone I got up with a grunt from the pain. It's so weird we Glamrocks were definitely more human like because unlike the old me from the old location I actually legitimately detected pain after Monty had attacked me.

This pain really didn't feel that good at all, everything just hurt to move. However I found the pain worth it in order to take my revenge for what Monty did to the first Glamrock Bonnie.

Either way I was now walking holding my chest and limping a little bit as I still continued on my way to meet up with Freddy. When I got there that's when Freddy noticed injuries I now had from Monty attacking me.

Glamrock Freddy: "Bonnie! What happed you are not looking good. Who hurt you!"

When I hear Freddy tell me that it makes me think "What do I say I can't tell him that Monty was the one who hurt me, that's a pure death wish. Hmm maybe I can come up with a lie just think Bonnie." That's when I got an idea and I hope he would fall for it

Glamrock Bonnie: "Don't worry about it Freddy, No one hurt me I just took a fall... but I'm fine"

Glamrock Freddy: "Your injuries are far worse than if you just took a fall Bonnie, tell me who hurt you"

Glamrock Bonnie: *sighs* "Fine yes I was hurt by someone but I'd rather not say who it was that hurt me"

Glamrock Freddy: "Why? I want to know so I can take revenge on them for hurting you"

Glamrock Bonnie: "I'd rather not say because it could lead me to becoming far more damaged than I already am"

Glamrock Freddy: *sighs* "Fine you do not need to tell me, But I am still taking you to parts and service"

Glamrock Bonnie: "Freddy I'm fine really..."

Glamrock Freddy: "To bad, you are injured and I will not tolerate you being hurt. Especially since I have just gotten you back Superstar"

With that the bear immediately picked me up and started carrying me somewhere.

Glamrock Bonnie: *blushes hardcore* "F-Freddy! I'm fine! Please just put me down!"

Glamrock Freddy: "I am terribly sorry superstar but I do not want to risk you getting more damaged"

I then just go silent as I was now pretty annoyed at him. Freddy had carried me to the other room which was apparently the parts and service area.

Once we were there he sets me down and forcing me to lean against him. I then see him tap into something and talk to one of the security guards it was Luna

~ Luna's POV ~

I was going to check on Monty but I ended up getting sidetracked and started doing my rounds instead. That was until I heard my radio go off so I unclip it from my belt and pick it up.

Luna: "Luna speaking. Over"

Glamrock Freddy: "Luna if you are free I need you to come down to parts an service immediately"

Luna: "Freddy? what's wrong did something in your system fail after the show like was happened with Gregory?"

Glamrock Freddy: "No I am fine, I just need your assistance A-S-A-P"

Luna: "Alright, just hang tight I'll be right there. Over and out"

With that I click off the radio making it do a "bleep" sound then clipped it back to my belt. After that I immediately headed down to parts and service to see what the hell was going on. If Freddy wasn't the one having a system failure then it was possibly one of the others that just got done performing.

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