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"Stop it, Lily!" Petunia boomed. "You're a freak and I'm going to tell mommy what you are. A freak! You're a freak!" Severus Snape heard Lily Evans' older sister Petunia scream after her, startled from his hiding place in a large tree above the park where Lily was studing her magic.  Snape launched himself out of hiding and the girls saw him, Petunia ran home, Lily stayed. Smiled. "Hello.." the two said simultaeously. Lily and Snape introdiced themselves, and Snape went on to tell Lily about why, how, and what her magic is. She loved to ask questions, but one in particular she hesitated asking. Laying in the soft summer grass aside of Cokeworth Creek, Lily asked about why her sister reffered to her as a freak. "Severus," she started. "Yeah?" Oh, how she loved how he spoke. A sophisticated but deeply soothing voice. "Why is Tuny so against Witchcraft?" she paused. Severus watched scilently."Why does she call me a freak?" Severus answered simply: "She's just jealous. She's ordinary and you're special." He laughed a cold, almost frightening laugh.

Each day, Lily visited Severus at the creek, they grew closer and closer. The Evans where muggles. Soon, Lily's family recieved the letter from Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry by owl explaining Witchcraft and when and how she will go to Hogwarts. All her family where very proud and curious, but Petunia was full of hatred and envy towards her sister. Lily was extatic and could'nt be more excited to attend Hogwarts and learn to control magic. A wave of guilt came upon her happy mindset when she found a letter in her sister and her garbage can adressed to Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts. 'Dear Mr. Dumbledore. Can I come to Hogwarts with my sister? Why is she allowed to come but not me?' The rest was scribbled out. Lily felt understanding and sadness towards Petunia. Later that day, with Severus, Lily asked if he was going to the school too. He said he was and her joy returned.

Hogwarts express. It was on the train ride where things got nasty. Lily finds she is different to Severus in many ways, but she is concerned when Snape absoluteky snaps at some other first years annoying him. A group of boys were making faces at him. Lily heard them quite clearky saying "Snivellous". Lily thinks theyre just harmless little boys but Severus seems to disagree. When he attemps to stand, Lily grabs his hand but he swipes it away and meets her eyes. It is the first time she has ever seen him so enraged. James Potter, one of the boys who was taunting Severus viewed the situation and joined Lily and Severus in their compartment. "Hi" he said, bluntly. Severus said nothing, glaring at James. Lily, who was very courteous, replied. "Hi" the two make eye contact and Lily smiles weakly. Severus notices the kindness shared between them and attemps to break it. "Lily," he says. She jerks her head towards him, almost forgetting he was in the compartment. "What, Sev?" Severus's mind was blank but the Food Trolley saved his embarrasment. "Anything from the Trolley, dears?" James bought one of each sweet, and dumped them on Lily's seat. He nodded.

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