A Future not my Own

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From a young age Yukina learned that the future she wanted would never be a reality. That all those fantasies whispered like secrets between herself and her sister under the pale light of the moon could never truly be. It was a painful lesson, learned by a young child in the icy nothingness of the Alabaster Icelands.

It was born through loss.

The loss of those who she thought would be by her side for far longer than they were. Of lives cut far to short, eyes never meant to see the growth of their young daughters. Of lives promised, yet taken without what seemed to be a second thought.

She remembers that day like it was yesterday, as if it was all a bad dream in which she could wake from. Sitting with the elders, listening to her Grandmothers story with Irida closely tucked beside her. Her older sister looking to quell the cold Yukina swore was set deep within her bones, using her own unwavering heat to warm her frigid twin.

As they listened to the tales of the elders, they anxiously waited for the return of their parents.  Blowing her white hair out of her eyes Yukina focused heavily on the entrance to their settlement, making sure to keep it within her field of vision.

It had already been days since their parents had left, mumbling sweet goodbyes to their two daughters. Their mother had bent down to cradle each of her children, her familiar eyes staring into those identical orbs both of her children possessed. With a kiss on each of their cheeks she promised to come home with stories of their victories.

Their father proud and tall stood gazing down at his small children. Simply smiling as his own white hair identical to that of his youngest daughter was bound up tightly. With a pat on each of their heads he gave each a rare smile before he went to gather amongst the other troops.

They were going off to try to quell a border skirmish. One which was the result of a disagreement between her the new leader of the Pearl Clan, and the far more weathered leader of the Diamond Clan over hunting grounds.

What was supposed to be a somewhat peaceful confrontation, only looking to solve a growing issue, little to the girls knowledge had turned into a full blown fight. Weapons drawn and lives lost to the ignorance of a newly instated ruler high on the fumes of his new found power. A young man looking to make a statement, looking to add his name to the history of the clan through his conquest.

The two girls half focused on the story being retold by their wise Grandmother, could never have known this.

At least until half of the party returned... their parents and the their leader both noticeably absent.

As the party staggered into the village, those outside began to race out to welcome their loved ones home. The two girls themselves also jumped up from their spot on a weathered log to go search the crowd for their Mother and Father. With a small scold from their Grandmother who sensed trouble, the twins were ushered into their home, their Grandmother's Glaceon making sure they followed her trainers directions.

As the two children waited for their parents to enter into their small home, showering them in affection as they always did after their quests. Tapping her shoes together Yukina looked over at her sister, who stared absently at the ceiling, leaning back against their shared bed.

"Dia?" Yuki softly mumbled into the crisp air between them, an unsettled feeling growing deep within her. She heard various voices outside their their humble abode, yet she couldn't make out any of the various conversations. "Do you think something happened ...?" She shakily whispered, her blue orbs focusing on her sisters mirroring eyes.

Irida simply shrugged as she sat up from her reclined position, focusing back in on the situation. Grabbing her sisters smaller hand she smiled, "I'm sure everything is fine, you worry to much ..." her sister comforted, however a small twitch of her twins lip tipped Yukina off on her sisters true feelings.

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