A Quite Night

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Yuki found herself continuing to giggle as Adaman's face flushed darker with each moment. She raised a hand in an attempt to stifle her laughter, failing miserably as she kept glancing at his flustered face.

Resting the book in is lap and crossing his arms he loudly cleared his throat, "Can I help you?" He grumbled out, embarrassment clear in his tone. His dark eyes focused anywhere but the laughing woman in front of him, yet the small twinkle of amusement they held was clear.

Yuki finally seemed to get a grip and shook her head with a polite cough, almost attempting to cover the small giggles she was desperately holding back. "Sorry ..." she mumbled a smile stretched across her face as she moved further into the home, towards the curled up form of Ena.

"It just looked as though you were in pain, like that book was about to leap at you and attack is all ..." she said with an almost dismissive wave as her fingers lowered to card through the Ninetail's silky fluff. With a small grumble Ena lifted her head to lean into the familiar touch, unaware of the awkwardness of the situation.

"Have you ever heard the expression words hurt?" He mumbled, a sly smile making its way onto his face as his new wife turned towards him fixing him with an unimpressed stare.

"So does Stupidity" she huffed out with a dramatized roll of her blue eyes. Finding himself chuckling at that Adaman shook his head as he once again picked up the leather bound book, his fingers running over the rough cover.

"I've heard that as well ... must be why these Pearl Clan Myths are bringing me so much pain to read through them" he adds as he once again opens the book skimming back to the page he was previously on before Yuki's entry.

"You best not let my Sister hear you say that, she might be small but she's quite scrappy when she's out for blood, especially when it comes to her Almighty Sinnoh" Yuki tuts as she sits herself beside her warm Pokemon, enjoying the familiar comforting presence at her side.

"Isn't it your Almighty Sinnoh as well?" He asked curiously, his eyes darting up for a moment to gaze at the young woman. Not noticing his change in focus, the white haired woman simply continued to pay attention to her drowsy partner.

"I personally find the whole idea to be nothing but an excuse for our actions against one another ..." she mumbles softly as Ena moves her head to rest in her trainers lap, a gentle chuff coming from the Fox Pokémon. "I don't know what's out there, but surely those two concepts can't be so against one another" she mumbles in thought as her gaze softens.

Listening carefully Adaman raises a brow as he listens to her continued ramblings, his eyes being drawn to her gentle expression.

"Time in my opinion has no meaning with out space to inhabit, it would surely be an existence in a world of nothingness ..." she continues, "And Space without the time to spend enjoying it is pointless as well in my opinion ..." she mutters as her gaze is once again drawn back to Adaman's dark eyes.

Adaman chuckles as she shakes his head, "Well that's certainly quite the idea," he says with a wave of his hand, "I'm sure your clan didn't particular enjoy your stance on the matter" he added as he began to test just how much she would tell him about not only herself but her relations with her clan.

With a playful smile she simply shrugged her shoulders, "It wasn't the most popular idea that their was, and it certainly cost me the position of next head but ..." she trailed off distantly, " ... I feel as though I couldn't bring myself to agree with the ideals of either tribe ..." she added before stopping abruptly, her hand stilling in the silky fur laced through her hands, a far away look in her eyes.

Adaman found himself once again putting his book down to focus on the interesting woman seated across the room from him. "Sometimes I forget that your clan doesn't pass on the role of Leadership as we have ... it's certainly a strange system ..." he says as he leans back against a nearby table.

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