Bridging the Gap

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Five Years passed in what felt like the blink of an eye, time spent enjoying her family and friends while they were still so close. Irida was still adamantly against the idea, her hatred for the Diamond Clan running deeper than Yuki's own. Time had healed the wound, at least in terms of where the blamed truly lied, Yuki working harder to understand the culture of her future clan.

When the day came for the wedding to finally occur it felt almost bitter sweet. She had collected all of her belongings into a small trunk, never being one to keep anything unessential due to it taking up space ... a teaching she still could not shake. Looking around the half empty home that she grew up in she couldn't help but remember fonder times spent with her parents and sister ... but those times were long passed.

Her Parents were long gone ... and Irida had finally become Clan Leader, and honestly it suited her. Her sister was always busy working to solve the Clan's problems while keeping everything she could in check. Her large heart doing her well when it came to her desire to placate those she loved. However he kind heart also got her into plenty of trouble ... well that was Yuki's opinion but some claimed she herself was cold hearted so the argument had no merit.

It always felt as if she was in her childhood home living with nothing but memories, always alone with Ena cuddled against her. She dedicated her time towards physical training as well as putting more efforts into studies of the Diamond Clan and their Lord Sinnoh.

Personally Yuki didn't care all that much about either deity, blaming them for the death and anger between the clans. If such a figure head could turn people against those living among each other for hundreds of years then the idea of such was something dangerous. She understood the values they each chose to live by, and she respected that choice wholly, but she herself would much rather live by her own ideas rather than something written before her.

Musing on these thoughts she was shaken as Ena weaved between her legs with a small chirp. Glancing down at the curious Ninetails she simply shook her head reaching to gently pat her head, "Sorry girl I got lost in thought there for a moment," she cooed as she continued to gently pet her partner.

"It looks so empty .., doesn't it ..." she mumbled to the Pokémon standing beside her, who simply gave a small yip while leaning against her trainer. Giggling Yuki walked over to the bed before flopping down to stare at the ceiling above her, closing her eyes and taking a moment to relax.

She was getting married today ...

To what was basically a stranger she had only shared a single conversation with many years prior. She would be married to that boy who had now become a man. She couldn't help but wonder if he had changed any since their last meeting ... had she changed?

Before she could further ponder the thought she heard the flap to the house opening with a swish. Smiling to herself she kept her eyes closed and moved to put her arm over her eyes, shielding them from the quick flash of light from the outside world. After a few moments of thick silence she sighed dramatically throwing her arm back down beside her.

"How Long do you Plan on just standing there?" She questioned softly, her tone far more gentle than her sigh had been. After a moment footsteps alerted her to an approach. Soon the bed dipped lightly and she felt someone else flip down in a similar manner, laid out beside her.

A warm hand gripped her own, squeezing it lightly and twining fingers together. "I don't want you to leave ..." her sisters voice finally broke through the heavy silence, her normally strong tone becoming something meek. "What am I suppose for do without you, we've been together since before we were born ..." she says with a small sniffle.

"Dia..." Yuki says as she sits up, her tone gentle and eyes warm as she stares at her distraught twin. "You should know better than anyone that the space between us, it's not all that far given the endless expanse it takes up" she says with a small teasing chuckle.

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