My Space ... Stay out of It!

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As sunlight filtered in from between the small stained glass panels built into the door, Yuki groaned groggily. Throwing an arm over her face to shield her sleeping gaze she rolls over to burry her covered face into the large fluffy pillow underneath.

She had to give it to the Diamond Clan, these large luxurious pillows might take up a lot of space ... but they defiantly were beyond comfortable! The plush comfort had certainly cradled her gently off to sleep ...

Abruptly sitting up she let out a small groan and buried her face between her hands. She had most certainly passed out after the exhausting and stressful day she had ... but she defiantly passed out ... against Adaman.

Shaking her head she felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment against her cold hands. She had only known the man for a few hours at most and then promptly fell asleep against him ... and then he had to have carried her to bed.

Beside her Ena gave a small tip and began to paw at her trainers hands, trying to pull them away from her face. The Ninetails tilting its head and letting out a small whine due to the lack of response given.

Yuki uncovers her eyes quickly as she turns to shush Ena, expecting her new husband to still be in the home ... only to be met with an empty room?

Ena seeming happy with herself shook herself off gently, following her trainers gaze. Turning her blue eyes towards the door Yuki furrowed her brow as she examined the still dim light breaking through the glass ...

It was still rather early ... earlier than Yuki was used to getting up ... the Dawn barely having broken through the crispness of night. She wasn't one to sleep in either, being one of the earliest risers in the Pearl Clan ...?

Just how early did Adaman get up ...?

Shaking the thought from her head she slowly stood up and gave a small stretch, small pops following from her resting joints. Continuing her small stretches she began to pad around the small home to find her belongings and get ready for the day.

Humming to herself she pondered the thought of doing her morning exercise routine but decided against it. It would be better if she went into the day with plenty of energy, she didn't exactly know what to expect ... besides she could always do so later.

Beside her Ena stretched as her trainer began to brush her snowy hair back, following along loyally behind. Shuffling around to find all of her belongings and where they had been placed felt almost mundane to Yukina.

It would certainly get some getting used to ... but as she walked over to a small wardrobe she was told held her new clothing she skimmed through the items... everything was certainly different then the white and red tones of the Pearl Clan.

The drawer was filled with various Blue and Gold items ... with the occasional dash of silver. She shook her head lightly as she reached to pick out what she deemed to be the most comfortable and movable items.

While she didn't mind dresses or longer kimonos ... she was certainly more partial to pants, they allowed her to best move, fitting her active lifestyle. Though most of them were rather nice dresses ... with a huff she rolled her eyes, certainly she wasn't just expected to be pretty figure and nothing more ...

Pulling out a black pair of tight light pants, as well as a long black top she began to change. Looking further through the drawer she found a long silver sash, which she tied around her waist to better fit the fabric to her figure.

Not quite satisfied she dug through some of the other drawers before pulling out a long blue robe with golden trim and details. Smiling to herself she shrugged it on before walking over to look at her outfit in the mirror.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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