Chapter 4

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I pull my coat up and hunch over trying to stay out of old man winters' cold breath on my face. I walk into the starbucks to grab a drink and to escape the cold. "One vanilla frap with extra whipped cream please" I say to the cashier extracting my wallet from my bag. I grab my drink and head out the door into the cold. In the distance i can see shoulders moving and people being pushed away as a figure sprints through the crowd. Before i time to move he rams into my shoulder sending me to the ground. I can feel a burning sensation on my chest and the new brown stain puddle on my jacket. "Thanks alot jerk face" i scream at him in frustration. The citzens take no notice to me on the ground. Ugh i hate this city! "Here let me help you up" A man with an outstretched hand insists. I take hold and he hauls me off the ice. I start to thank him but the words catch in my throat as i see him. His jet black hair is pulled up into a quiff with a blonde streak mixed into the side. His eyes are dark brown but somehow i get lost looking into them. "how about we get you another coffee?" He asks with a smile. I nod as he leads down the street back to Starbucks.

"Whats your name?" I ask him as we settle into a seat by the window. "Zayn." He says. I cant help but smile. He is gorgous. "What brought you to this magical city?" i ask sarcastically. " Umm, my band and I are here on tour, we perform at the Maddison Square Garden tomorrow night!" He chirps. "oh yeah! your the uhm," i snap my fingers to try and remember, "One Direction" He finishes the sentence. i smile now remembering his face on Jennas wall.

"I had alot of fun Cameron!" Zayn says. i sigh wishing we could sot.and talk forever. But reality kicks i to gear and i realise i wont have time to grocery shop. "Could i, erm, maybe have your number?" He asks scratching the back of his head. I smile while i type it into his phone. "We should do this again sometime" He says while taking back his phone, "just without the whole coffee spilling incident at the begining" he laughs. "i'd love that" i say. He holds open the door for me as we exit, the little bell dinging to indicate a new customer or someone leaving. "I'll text you tonight" he says leaning in. His lips brush my cheek and i can feel the smile spread across my face as pink flecks litter my cheeks. I wave goodbye before walking back to our apartment thinking about the text that will be coming.

***Authors note***

I love New York i just needed something to happen so all you new yorkers, keep on rocking! haha, follow me on twitter @kayley_alyse and if you like the story share it with followers and friends please!! I also love comments :D

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