Chapter 6

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I grab my chest stumbling backwards breathing in, "You guys scared me half to death!" I laugh. A curly brown haired boy walks over, his emerald eyes and gorgous smile are mesmerising. "Harry" He says Cooley with an outstretched hand. "C-Cam" I stutter reaching out. He pulls me into a hug resting one big hand on my hip. "I must say Cam, you are absolutely stunning and I wouldn't mind taking you to dinner" He whispers in my ear. I can feel Zayns chocolate eyes burning through me but I manage to reply wiht a nod. I've been here for literally 2 minutes and I already have a date! He pulls away and walks backwards towards another brunette with steiking blue eyes. Zayn glides forwards putting a hand on the small of my back. I look up to see anger and frustration beaming towards Harry as whispers to the blue eyed boy. He looks down and his eyes soften, almost as if on que the corners of his lips curl upwards. "I'm Louis!" The blue eyed boy chimed. A smile spread across my face as I saw a girl with dark hair full of tight ringlets walk into the room. She strode over to a boy with a head full of moppy curls and gave him a quick peck before taking a step forwards. "I'm Danielle and that," She says looking back at the boy, "is my boyfriend Liam" She glows. "Great to meet you Danielle! " I say. "Dont forget about me!" an irish voice chimes in. A blonde boy walks infront of Danielle and pulls me into a warm hug, "Im Niall!" He says. When he pulls away I notice this intensity of his eyes, the Carribean Sea blue is covered in tiny specs of different shades of blues and greens.

"So what are we going to do today?" Louis? I think, says plopping down on the couch."I was thinking a movie day!" Niall says enthusiastically. We all agree and decide to watch A jackie Chan movie. Harry sits down next to me with Zayn on the other side. I tend to fall asleep during movie which will mean I will either lean on Harry or Zayn.

"Press play!" Niall directs as he shovels popcorn down his mouth. His cheeks look like a squirrels from allcthe popcorn shoved between them.

My eyes flutter open to see Jackie Chan chasing someone. I pull my head up to see Zayn smiling down at me. "Good nap?" He asks with a grin. "Perfect" I mumble grogily. I inhale a deep breath and stretch my arms out. I fish out my phone from my back pocket. The concert starts In 2 hours.

I look to my left to see an empty space. Hmm. "Im gunna go get some fresh air" I say walking to the balcony. The glass door reveals the back of Harry looking over the ledge. "Hey" I say turning around to shut the door. "hi" he replies. I walk over leaning my arms on the ledge. The city below us is full of life, strollers being pushed, cars rumbling down the street, and snow falling. I look up to see Harry looking at me. I lift up an eyebrow and give him a suspicious look. " you've got something on your lip" Harry says. I pull my hand up to my face but he pulls it back down, "I got it" He says leaning in. His eyes close slowly, hiding his green orbs. His nose touches my cheek for a split second before his lips are inches from my face. My eyes close as I lean up connecting our lips. The kiss is gentil, not demanding, not.hungry, sweet, full of passion and longing. His plump lips are gentil, yearning for a compainon to lace with warmth and desire. Our lips move together in sync for a few seconds before he pulls away. As I look into his eyes, movement is found from the corner of my eye. I look only to find Zayn staring In disbelief.

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