Let the trail begin

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(Monday August 15th)
It's Monday morning and I was laying in bed with my baby last night I cuddled him more than I ever have today was Monday but it wasn't any regular Monday today Jermaine's trail starts  and I was not ready  I was super nervous but I was going to do my best to stay strong for my baby I decided to get up and get the day started I kissed my baby cheek putting my robe on going downstairs I wash my hands putting in a pot of coffee I decided to make my baby's favorite today janet takes everything out she needs to make banana French toast bacon eggs and sausage
After 40 mins janet finishes making breakfast as Jermaine and the kids come downstairs
Jan: Matteo baby go wash your hands for breakfast
Matteo: okay mama
Matteo runs to wash his hands as janet puts Skylar in her high chair
Jermaine wraps his arms around janet kissing her cheek
Jermaine: morning love
Jan: morning baby *she turns to him kissing his lips *
Matteo comes back to the table
Matteo: thank you mama
Jan: your welcome baby
They all sit down at the table
Jermaine: my baby made my favorite thank you love *he grabs her hand*
Jan: your welcome baby *she gives him a small smile*
After 40 mins they finish eating breakfast
Janet clears the table putting the dishes in the dishwasher
Jermaine: teo baby come on let's go upstairs so you can get dressed
Matteo: okay daddy
Jermaine takes Skylar and Matteo upstairs he gives them baths and gets them dressed
As he finishes up the door bell rings
Janet goes to answer the door
As she opens the door she sees her mother her siblings Kelly Tina Ti usher da brat and Jermaine's parents
Jan: you guys all made it
She lets them in
Katherine: baby how are you feeling this morning
Jan: I'm nervous it's a lot I'm not ready for this but I'm going to try to be strong for him
After 20 mins Jermaine comes downstairs with the kids
Jermaine: oh wow um I didn't think everyone was coming
Ti: of course man
Da brat: you know we got you Jermaine
Jermaine: thanks for coming
Jan: baby
Jermaine: yeah love
Jan: let's go get showered we got to go
Jermaine: okay
They go upstairs and get in the shower
After 40 mins their dressed and ready to go
Jermaine: you look beautiful baby
Jan: thank you love you look pretty damn good to *she kisses him*
They go downstairs
Kelly: you guys look like a power couple you both look great
Ti: you guys ready
Jan: yeah
Matteo: mama daddy where you going can I go to
Jan: you can't go baby mama and daddy will be back okay
Jermaine: auntie Tina is going to stay with you and sissy okay
Matteo: okay *he makes a sad face*
Jan: it's going to be okay baby we'll be back *she picks him up hugging him tight* you be a good boy for auntie
Matteo: I love you mama and daddy
Jan: we love you so much baby
Jermaine: thank you da brat we appreciate you watching the kids for us we love you teo *he hugs teo really tight*
Da brat: of course
Jan: alright we got to go baby
Jermaine: okay
They leave the house driving to the courthouse as they get closer to the courthouse janet and Jermaine sit in silence Jermaine holds Janet's hand after a 20 min drive they arrive at the courthouse
Jermaine: you ready love?
Jan: yeah *she kisses him* I love you
Jermaine: I love you more
They open the door and get out Joey is right there to lead everyone into the courthouse
Media: Jermaine Jermaine did you do it janet are you going to leave your husband
Janet grips Jermaine's hand
Jermaine: I got you love *he whispers*
They go inside the courthouse
They sit and wait to be called
Ti: how you feeling Jermaine
Jermaine: um I'm okay
Katherine: baby you okay
Jan: I'm okay
Thomas comes up to them
Thomas: Jermaine good to see you again janet good to see you again
Jan: good to see you again
Jermaine: good to  see you again
They sit down for 15 mins Thomas comes back up to them
Thomas: janet Jermaine it's time
Jermaine: okay
Thomas: you guys are also allowed to come in as well
Jermaine: you ready love? *he looks at her*
Jan: yeah
They all go in the courtroom
As they get inside and get to their seats the judge comes in everyone please be seated everyone seats down
Judge Kevin (will be his name)
Judge Kevin: this is the case of Jermaine dupri vs nelly
Judge Kevin: nelly please explain why your suing mr dupri
Nelly: your honor im suing him for emotional distress for pulling a gun on me he shot at me
Judge Kevin: sir please call your first witness
(Matt nelly lawyer): your honor we call this lady right here *he points to the lady sitting behind him* her name is Michelle
Judge Kevin: ma'ma please come on up
She comes up and swears to tell the truth
Judge Kevin: so Michelle do you know Jermaine or nelly tell us what happened
Michelle: I stop at the river and I got out of my car and saw nelly laying in the ground with gun shots in him
Judge Kevin: how many shots
Michelle: at least 4 he must have had been there for a while he was unconscious
Judge Kevin: what did you do when you found him
Michelle: I called 911 and waited for them to get there once they got there I left
Judge Kevin: thank you Michelle
She gets down going to her seat
Judge Kevin: next witness
Thomas: sir we call Kelly to the stand
Kelly comes up and sits down
Judge Kevin: Kelly what is your relationship with mr Mauldin
Kelly: his a friend his my best friends husband
Judge Kevin: have you ever seen nelly put his hands on ms Mauldin
Kelly: yes your honor I have
Judge Kevin: how many times
Kelly: to many to court
Judge Kevin: were Mrs Mauldin and nelly ever intimate that you have seen
Kelly: no not that I've seen janet loves her husband
Judge Kevin: have you ever seen Mr Mauldin with a gun
Kelly: no
Judge Kevin: has nelly harassed Mr and Mrs Mauldin
Kelly: yes he has
Judge Kevin: do you think nelly wants to have a sexual relationship with Mrs Mauldin?
Kelly: yes I do
Judge Kevin: has Mrs Mauldin been sexual with nelly?
Kelly: what no he raped her
Judge Kelly: that will be all
The judge talks to people closest to Jermaine and nelly to get a better idea of the situation
(3 hours later)
The judge is about to call his last witness
Judge Kelly: I've heard from a lot of people today I want to hear from Mrs Mauldin
Janet looks at him
Jan: I don't want to talk about it not today *she cries* it's to painful please don't make me talk about it
Judge Kelly: okay we won't today but I do eventually want to hear from you
After another hour they finish for the day Jermaine and janet walk out the courthouse and once again are surrounded by media they get in their car and drive away Jermaine pulls janet to him
Jan: baby I'm sorry I know he asked me to talk about what happened but it's still so hard
Jermaine: shhh it's okay baby everything will be okay baby I promise *he kisses her*
After 30 mins they arrive home they get out of the car going in the house janet hugs teo and Skylar and then goes upstairs
Da brat: is she okay
Jermaine: no the judge wanted her to testify she got emotional and told him she couldn't so she's emotional
(Time skip 11pm)
With the kids asleep Jermaine gets in bed with janet he pulls her to him
Jermaine: you okay love
Jan: today was a lot baby and I know that we're going to have a lot of days like this he wants me to testify
Jermaine: you don't have to if you don't want to baby
Jan: I know but I know that if I do it will help you baby but it is so hard for me to talk about what he did to me the pain his caused *she whips her face*
Jermaine: I know baby I'm here to help you we're going to get through this together and come out stronger and better than ever as a couple it's going to strengthen our marriage
Jan: *she looks at him kissing his lips* you always know what to say and make me feel loved and safe baby
Jermaine: I got you baby always
Jan: I love you so much *she kisses him climbing in his lap laying her head on his chest*
Jermaine: you comfortable love
Jan: yeah
Jermaine: *he pulls the blankets up on them and starts to rub her butt*
Jan: hmm your going to put me to sleep baby
Jermaine: good I want to put you to sleep love it's been a long day
Jan: it has been a long day baby
Jermaine: I love you so so much
Jan: I love you more baby
Jermaine: no matter what happens I'm always going to be here for you love and our babies
After 30 mins they both fall asleep janet still laying on top of Jermaine

The end
Jermaine's trail has started
How will it go
Do you guys think Jermaine will face jail time
Jermaine seems like his trying his best to stay calm so janet can stay calm
How long will the trail last
How will this effect janet and Jermaine's marriage
Will janet be able to tell her side of the story without breaking down
How will this effect their babies
Vote comment let me know what you think

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