Holding auditions

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(Friday August 29th)
Jermaine POV 7:00am
It's Friday morning and I'm laying in bed with my beautiful wife in my arms I always loved waking like this every morning I know my baby was tried so I decided to let her sleep a little bit while I go make breakfast and get the kids up for school Jermaine gets up grabbing his shirt he goes downstairs washing his hands he puts on a pot of coffee he decides to make breakfast sandwiches for breakfast with a side of fruit after 40 mins Jermaine finishes making breakfast as janet and the kids come downstairs
Jan: go say hi to daddy *she whispers to Matteo and Skylar*
Matteo and Skylar run up to Jermaine as he makes the plates
Matteo: hi daddy
Skylar: hi daddy
Jermaine: hi my babies *he hugs them* you guys go wash your hands for breakfast
Matteo: come on sissy
They go and wash their hands
Janet comes up to him
Jan: good morning baby *she smiles*
Jermaine: good morning baby *he kisses her pulling back looking at her*
Jan: give me another kiss baby *she pushes her lips out*
Jermaine: *he kisses her lips sticking his tongue in her mouth he moves his kisses to her neck*
Jan: baby the kids are coming
Jermaine: *he sucks at her sweet spot on her neck*
Jan: baby baby *she grabs him* you know that's my spot the kids are coming *she pulls back from him*
Jermaine: come eat love *he smacks her ass*
They sit down at the table with the kids
Skylar: thank you daddy
Matteo: thank you daddy
Jan: thank you baby
Jermaine: your welcome
Everyone eats their food
Skylar: mama can we go to the park?
Jan: mama has to work for a bit but when mamas done we can go to the park okay if it's not to late
Matteo: mama can we go with you
Jan: um *she looks at Jermaine*
Jermaine: mama is going to be really busy teo
Matteo: but daddy can come with us and watch us mama please *he gives her puppy dog eyes*
Jan: baby what do you think? *she looks at him*
Jermaine: I was going to ask you the same baby
Jan: I'm going to be super busy baby but they can come so they can watch
Matteo: yay
They finish eating breakfast and janet gets up to run the dishes as Jermaine wraps his arms around janet kissing her shoulder
Jermaine: I love you my love
Jan: I love you to baby *she leans back and kisses him*
She finishes running the dishes Jermaine and janet go upstairs with the kids
Jermaine: baby what time do your auditions start?
Jan: at 1 baby
Matteo: mama can we watch a movie
Jan: yeah baby come get in the bed with mama and daddy you and sissy
Jermaine puts Skylar on the bed and Matteo they go and cuddle with janet
Skylar: mama what about daddy
Jan: come on daddy
Jermaine gets in bed with them cuddling his babies
Jermaine: I love that i can cuddle all of my babies *he smiles*
Jan: in bed with our babies
Jermaine and janet relax in bed with their babies until 11:45 am
Jan: come on baby we got to get up and get going if you still want to go
Jermaine: yeah I still want to go
They get up and get the kids dressed janet goes downstairs to pack snacks and sandwiches for the kids she grabs some juice boxes and waters and crackers
After 25 mins their on the road and in the car
After a 30 min they arrive as they pull up they see a huge line of people they pull around the back and get out Jermaine gets the kids out of the car and janet grabs their backpacks and their jackets they go inside as they enter they studio janet sees some of the dancers stretching out janet takes Matteo Skylar and Jermaine to the couch
Jan: teo Skylar you guys are going to sit here with daddy okay mama will be over there *she points to the table* you guys be good for daddy okay *she kisses Matteo and Skylar*
Skylar: okay mama
Matteo: okay mama
Jan: love their tablets are in their backpacks they have sandwiches and crackers and juice fruit snacks strawberries and water and there is whips so you can whip their hands
Jermaine: okay baby
Jan: *she kisses Jermaine* I love you and mama loves you guys to *she looks at Matteo and Skylar*
Matteo: love you mama
Skylar: love you mama
Jermaine: I love you to baby
Janet goes over to the table and is met with whyleyy, laurel, and Luther brown
Whyleyy: hey Jan
Laurel: hey Jan
Luther: hey Jan
Whyleyy: I see you brought the crew with you you got the babies and the hubs
Jan: yeah the kids wanted to come to *she sits down in the chair at the table*
Luther: hi everyone welcome to auditions let's get started
Luther gets up as someone walks in the door
Hey Luther says the guy
Luther: hey let me introduce you to janet
They go over to the table
Luther: janet this is dean
Jan: *she gets up shaking his hand* hi dean nice to meet you
Dean: nice to meet you janet it's an honor
Luther: dean is a choreographer
Jan: oh wow nice I'm actually in need of a choreographer for this project
Luther: yeah I wanted him to sit in and maybe see if you liked him Jan
Jan: yeah let's do it have a seat dean
Dean: thank you
They sit down as they turn the music on
As janet watches the dancers Jermaine sits with the kids
Skylar: daddy
Jermaine: yes baby
Skylar: can I watch my tablet
Jermaine: yes baby
Jermaine grabs teo and Skylar tablets with their headphones and plugs them in
Skylar: *she puts her tablet up* daddy can you help me
Jermaine: yeah baby what do you want to watch?
Skylar: I want watch movie daddy
Jermaine: okay baby what you want to watch daddy will help you
Skylar: princess daddy
Jermaine shows her Ariel
Jermaine: you want to watch Ariel baby?
Skylar: yeah daddy
Matteo: daddy can I watch Tarzan
Jermaine: yeah baby
Jermaine turns on both of their movies for them with their headphones
He grabs his tablet and turns a movie on for himself with his headphones
Jermaine keeps the kids occupied while janet holds her auditions as she does he looks up and over at her and for a moment they made eye contact
Jermaine: *he smiles at her*
Jan: *she blushes smiling at him mouthing to him* I love you
Jermaine: *he mouths back to her* I love you to
As the day goes on Jermaine mangers to keep the kids occupied with their movies their watching on their tablets
Skylar: daddy *she looks at him*
Jermaine: yes princess
Skylar: I have to go potty
Jermaine: okay come on daddy will take you Matteo you have to go
Matteo: yeah
Jermaine: okay come on leave your tablets here *he grabs both their hands taking them to the bathroom*
After 5 mins he comes back and sits them on the couch he sits down with them and helps them turn on another movie
Matteo: daddy can we have crackers
Jermaine: yeah mama packed you guys crackers and sandwiches and some other stuff *he grabs them both a zip lock bag out of their bags and opens them*
Matteo: thank you daddy
Skylar: thank you daddy
Jermaine: your welcome you guys okay now
Matteo: yeah daddy
Skylar: yeah daddy
Jermaine: and I have your jackets and mama packed a blanket for you both in case you get cold okay
Skylar: okay daddy
Matteo: okay daddy
As the day goes on janet and her team have seen hundreds of people all very talented but she knows she can't take them all on tour with her
As the auditions go on there is a young man that moves to the front and center to make sure janet sees him
Jan: *she whispers to whyleyy* this guy in the front right here is good so is this chick right here *she points to her*
Dean: they are good that's Denzel and Allison and that right there is dom and guero and mishay
Jan: their all really talented wow *she watches them*
(Time skip 7pm)
Auditions have just ended for the day and janet and dean are talking when Luther comes up to them
Luther: hey Jan sorry I want to introduce you to Denzel Allison dom guero and mishay
Jan: it's nice to meet you all you guys were really great today I loved the Energy keep it up I can't wait to see more tomorrow
Denzel: it's an honor to be able to audition for you
Dom: yeah it really is
Jan: thank you guys for coming I appreciate it you guys will be here tomorrow yes
Guero: of course yes
As they talk janet stares at Jermaine
Jan: *she waves her hand for him to come over to her*
Luther: you calling it a night Jan *he ask as Jermaine comes up holding a sleeping Skylar*
Jan: yeah I am guys it's been a long day and I have babies to get home and showered and feed and in bed
Whyleyy: mama  and wifey duties call
Jan: yes they do *she smiles at Jermaine*
Denzel: I'm a huge fan of your husband and yours
Jermaine: thank you I appreciate that *he smiles* I didn't get your name
Jan: sorry baby this is Denzel Allison dom and gureo
Jermaine: nice to meet you guys you guys looked great
Allison: thank you for that
Jan: alright guys I will see you tomorrow
Denzel: yeah *he looks at her* goodnight Jermaine nice to meet you
Jermaine: nice to meet you guys as well
Jan: you ready baby *she looks at him*
Jermaine: yeah
Matteo: mama I'm tried *he rubs his eyes*
Jan: Awwl I know baby we're going to go home okay baby let me see Skylar
Jermaine hands Skylar to her
Jermaine: *he looks down at Matteo* our big boy is tried *he picks him up as he lays his head on Jermaine shoulder*
Jan: it's been a long day
Jermaine: yeah it has
Jan: you have everything love
Jermaine: yeah I put everything in the car baby you ready
Jan: yeah
Jermaine: goodnight you guys nice to meet you
Dom: you to we hope to see you again
Jermaine: yeah hopefully definitely for sure *he looks at janet as he kisses her lips he puts his hand on her back to help her to the car*
Denzel watches as Jermaine kisses janet
They get in the car and get the kids settled in their seats and drive home
After a 30 min drive they arrive home janet grabs the kids backpacks and takes them in the house then comes back and grabs Skylar out of the car while Jermaine grabs Matteo they take them upstairs and put them in bed tucking them in
Jermaine goes back downstairs and sets the alarm and then goes back upstairs changing his clothes as janet get in bed he gets in bed kissing janet
Janet rolls Jermaine onto his back laying on top of him kissing him
Jermaine rolls her over onto her back kissing her neck he pulls back looking at her he smiles
She pulls him back down for a kiss as she takes her tshirt off
Two hours later
Jermaine and janet lay in bed trying to catch their breath wrapped in sheets she cuddles up to him kissing his chest
Jan: I love being in tangled in sheets with you baby
Jermaine: yeah me to baby
Jan: perfect way to end our night after a very long day
Jermaine: definitely was a long day baby but it looks like auditions are off to a great start
Jan: yeah they are baby everyone is so talented that we've seen so far *she looks at him linking her hand with his*
Jermaine: they definitely are baby
Jan: I'm excited to see more
Jermaine: how long are the auditions baby?
Jan: there going to end up being three days baby so today tomorrow and Sunday
Jermaine: that's not bad
Jan: no but I feel bad I know it's a weekend and that's usually our time family time with the kids but I need to get this done
Jermaine: it's okay baby it's not a big deal *he looks at her*
Jan: *she smiles at him* how did I get so lucky to have you baby *she kisses him*
Jermaine: cause you chose me despite all of the bullshit and nay sayers that didn't want us together
Jan: will always choose you baby forever *she kisses him* cause I love you
Jermaine: cause you what I didn't hear you
Jan: *she laughs* you heard me
Jermaine: no I didn't what did you say
Jan: I said because I love you
Jermaine: I love you to baby you ready to get some sleep
Jan: yeah baby *she kisses him* goodnight baby
Jermaine: goodnight beautiful
After 30 mins they fall asleep

The end
Auditions have started
Who will make the cut and get the chance of a lifetime to dance with the queen
Janet has a new choreographer in dean
Matteo and Skylar got to go to with mama and watch auditions
Janet liked Denzel dom Allison and guero
Denzel kept looking at janet do you guys think he is star struck or do you think he has a crush on her
Y'all let me know what y'all think

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