Family lunch/your having a....

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It was Saturday morning and I was laying in bed with my babies. I loved being able to wake up to a quiet home just me Jermaine and our sweet growing baby in my belly. I decided to get up and go make my baby some breakfast without waking up Jermaine who was sleeping peacefully. Janet goes downstairs to make breakfast she washes her hands. She decides to make a simply breakfast. She gets everything she needs out and starts to make breakfast. As she finishes making breakfast and making the plates Jermaine comes downstairs.
Jermaine: *he wraps his arms around her holding her bump* good morning my gorgeous fiancé and daddy's baby
Jan: good morning daddy *she turns to him kissing him*
Jermaine: mmm my baby sweet soft lips *he kisses her again*
Jan: *she laughs* I got breakfast ready love
Jermaine: okay baby
Janet hands him his breakfast
Jermaine: thank you love looks good
Jan: your welcome love *she sits down with him*
Jermaine: so love how are my babies this morning?
Jan: feeling good baby
Jermaine: good love what's on our agenda for today? *he grabs her hand*
Jan: um well baby we have a doctor appointment today for our sweet baby *she smiles*
Jermaine: I can't wait to see our baby *he grabs her hand*
Jan: and remember to love our families and friends are coming over for lunch for us to tell them about our pregnancy
Jermaine: yes baby how are you feeling about that?
Jan: I'm excited baby to see what mother is going to say and your parents and our friends the rest of my family just have to accept us
Jermaine: yes they are baby cause I put a ring on it not only that but your having my baby *he smiles*
Jan: I know how incredible is that
They finish up breakfast and run the dishes
Jermaine: love what time is our appointment
Jan: at 12 baby
Jermaine: okay and our lunch with family and friends?
Jan: um I don't think I gave them a time love
Jermaine: okay that's okay love come on let's go upstairs
They go upstairs and chill for 3 hours
Jermaine: baby we got to get ready to go
Jan: okay baby
They get up getting dressed and brushing their teeth
Jermaine: you ready love?
Jan: yes baby I'm ready
Jermaine: you look beautiful love
Jan: thank you baby
They leave the house getting in the car
Jermaine: you okay love?
Jan: yes baby I'm good
Just then Jermaine's phone rings
Jermaine: hello
Jermaine mom: hi baby we're here we can't wait to see you and janet
Jermaine: hey mom we can't wait to see you guys either *he looks at janet*
Jermaine mom: well see you guys later son
Jermaine: okay mom bye
They drive to the doctors Jermaine helps Janet out of the car
They head inside and sign in
After a 30 min wait the doctor calls them in
Doctor Ed: Janet Jermaine hello good to see you again
Jermaine: hello doctor Ed
Jan: hi doctor Ed
Doctor Ed: Janet can you get up on the table for me please
Janet gets on the table as the doctor pulls her shirt up
Doctor Ed: so janet your in your second trimester how are you feeling?
Jan: feeling better actually morning sickness isn't as bad
Doctor Ed: good so your officially 18 weeks pregnant so your officially 5 months pregnant let's hear the heartbeat of your little one this will be a bit cold *he puts the gel on her stomach as they hear the heartbeat* your baby has a strong heartbeat
Jermaine: *holds Janet's hand* our baby heartbeat is strong baby
Jan: yeah it is love *she smiles*
Doctor Ed: let's take a look at your little one *he turns on the monitor* there's your little one

 Jermaine: *he wraps his arms around her holding her bump* good morning my gorgeous fiancé and daddy's baby Jan:  good morning daddy *she turns to him kissing him* Jermaine: mmm my baby sweet soft lips *he kisses her again*Jan: *she laughs* I got ...

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