Being strong for my babies

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(Saturday December 15th)
It's Saturday morning and I'm laying in bed with my baby boy since Jermaine has been gone his been sleeping with me every night and just wanted mama and I was happy to snuggle with my baby but I know our sweet boy was confused because he couldn't see daddy he ask me everyday mama when is daddy coming home I miss him I was happy he at least gets to talk to Jermaine he tells him about school and auntie Kelly I cuddle my baby more laying in bed with him for another 30 mins I get up putting on my robe and grab the baby monitor my sweet baby girl was sleeping peacefully in her crib janet goes downstairs she puts the baby monitor on the counter and washes her hands putting on a pot of coffee she decides to make eggs bacon and music note pancakes for breakfast as janet prepares breakfast she looks through her phone at pictures of her and Jermaine and the kids and becomes sad it's been a few months and she missed her husband so much she knew with Christmas coming up it would be a difficult one for her and for the kids as she would have to explain to Matteo why daddy isn't home for Christmas she knew she need to try and stay strong for their kids she smiled everyday holding their babies and playing with them but inside she was hurting deeply missing her other half
After 40 mins janet finishes making breakfast as Kelly comes downstairs with Matteo Skylar starts to wake up janet goes upstairs to her nursery picking her up
Jan: good morning mama's princess *she kisses her head laying her down changing her diaper* all clean let's go fed you
Janet comes back downstairs and puts Skylar in her high chair as Matteo runs up to her
Matteo: hi mama
Jan: hi baby *she picks him up hugging him* did you sleep good baby
Matteo: yeah mama
Jan: did you say good morning to auntie Kelly
Matteo: *he gets down hugging kelly* good morning auntie Kelly
Kelly: good morning teo
Jan: are you hungry baby
Matteo: yeah mama
Kelly: teo do you know what's coming up soon
Matteo: Christmas *he gets excited*
Jan: yup that's right did you write your letter to Santa baby
Matteo: yeah mama it's in my room can we mail it to Santa mama please
Jan: *she smiles* of course we can baby we can put it in the mail today where does your letter go where does Santa live?
Matteo: in the North Pole
Jan: that's right
Kelly: what about the polar bears Matteo where do they live?
Matteo: In the South Pole
Kelly: that's right you got a smart one on your hands janet
Jan: yeah I do *she smiles kissing his head* my baby is very smart
They eat their breakfast and janet and Kelly listen as Matteo talks to them
Matteo: mama
Jan: yes baby
Matteo: is daddy coming home for Christmas
Jan: um *she looks at Kelly then grabs Matteo's hand* baby daddy isn't coming home for Christmas
Matteo: but why not mama daddy don't come home for a long time
Jan: I know baby daddy's going to be gone for a while
Matteo: but daddy doesn't get to be here for Christmas
Jan: no baby mama is sorry
Kelly: but guess what teo you get to spend Christmas with me *she looks at him*
Matteo: yay Christmas with auntie Kelly and mama and sissy *he smiles* mama do I get presents from Santa
Jan: have you been a good boy? *she looks at him*
Matteo: yeah mama
Jan: hmmm I don't know auntie Kelly do you think teo been a good boy
Kelly: I think teo has been a good boy for sure
Matteo: see mama I get presents from Santa
Jan: yes you do baby
2 hours later
Janet and Kelly are in the living room with the kids watching a movie janet cuddles Matteo close to her
Kelly: you guys are so cute mama and her babies *she smiles*
Jan: *she smiles* babies are getting big
Kelly: yeah they are
Matteo: mama *he looks at her*
Jan: yes baby
Matteo: can we go play outside
Jan: for a little bit
Janet gets up
Kelly: Jan I'm going to make some lunch for us
Jan: okay thanks Kelly
Janet grabs Matteo a pants outfit and a pants outfit for Skylar and gets them both dressed
She comes back downstairs with them just as Kelly finishes making lunch
Kelly: lunch is ready teo are you hungry
Matteo: yeah
Jan: go wash your hands baby
Matteo: okay mama
Matteo runs to wash his hands 
Janet straps Skylar in her high chair and then sits down as Kelly gives her food she immediately picks it up with her hands putting it in her mouth
Jan: is that good baby
Skylar smiles at her
Kelly: I take that as a yes
Jan: is it good teo
Matteo: yeah mama I like it
After 30 mins they finish their food janet loads the dishwasher turning it on
Matteo: mama can we go outside now
Jan: yes baby but first here *she puts a jacket on him and on Skylar* okay come on
They all go outside and go straight to the playground as janet and Kelly play with the kids her phone rings
Jan: teo baby mama will be right back okay
Matteo: okay
Janet goes and sits in a chair as she picks up the phone
Jan: hello
Jermaine: hi baby
Jan: baby *she gets teary eyed hearing his voice*
Jermaine: what are you doing
Jan: me and Kelly are plying with the kids outside I miss you so so much
Jermaine: I miss you more I miss the kids how are they? How's teo doing in school
Jan: their good teo misses you so much baby he asked me mama is daddy coming home for Christmas
Jermaine: Awwl my baby that makes me so sad *he tries not to cry*
Jan: it broke my heart baby
Jermaine: what did you tell him babe?
Jan: I told him no daddy isn't coming home for Christmas
Jermaine: this will be the first Christmas since we've been together that we don't get to spend together
Jan: I know baby it's going to be really hard especially for our babies
Jermaine: yeah definitely is teo doing good is school
Jan: yes his doing great baby I wish you could see him baby his so smart he loves school but I know his missing you so much
Jermaine: I miss you guys so much baby I want to see you
Jan: I've thought about coming to see you baby I just want to see your face what do you think about that
Jermaine: I think it would be amazing baby
Jan: baby don't get mad at me but I don't want to bring the kids it wouldn't be safe we've been through so much I just want to protect them
Jermaine: no baby I was just going to tell you not to bring them this isn't a place for kids and I don't want them to see me like this
Jan: I agree baby
Jermaine: where's our babies
Jan: teo baby come here
Kelly brings the kids over to janet
Matteo: yeah mama
Jan: someone very special is on the phone and wants to say hi
Matteo: who mama
Jan: say hi
Jermaine: teo baby it's daddy
Matteo: hi daddy *he smiles*
Jermaine: what are you doing baby?
Matteo: playing with mama sissy and auntie Kelly daddy
Jermaine: have you been a good boy for mama?
Matteo: yeah daddy I go to school again
Jermaine: yeah you like school
Matteo: yeah daddy I want you to take me to school with mama
Jermaine: daddy can't baby
Matteo: but why not daddy you come home for Christmas
Jermaine: no baby daddy isn't coming home for Christmas *he puts his head down letting tears fall he missed his family so much*
Matteo: but why daddy I've been a good boy
Jermaine: I know you have baby but daddy will be home soon but you have to be a good boy for mama
Matteo: I will be a good boy daddy
As Jermaine talks to Matteo the phone beeps
Jermaine: daddy has to get ready to go baby
Matteo: but daddy I miss you
Jermaine: I know baby daddy misses you so much
Matteo: daddy not come home daddy not miss me *he cries*
Jan: no baby daddy misses you *she hugs him tight*
Jermaine: daddy does miss you so much baby daddy will come home when you can I promise *he lets the tears fall* the phone is bleeping love
Jan: teo say bye to daddy he has to go *she tries not to cry*
Matteo: bye daddy
Jermaine: bye baby daddy loves you
Matteo: I love you to daddy
Jan: I love you baby so much *she breaks down in tears*
Jermaine: I love you more so much baby
He hangs up
Matteo: don't cry mama *he hugs her as tight as he can* I love you mama
Jan: I love you so much baby my sweet boy you keep me company when daddy isn't here huh
Matteo: yeah I cuddle with mama and sissy and sleep with mama and watch movies
Jan: that's right baby
Matteo: and auntie Kelly plays with me and cuddles me to and watch movies with me and mama
Kelly: yup
(Time skip 11pm)
The kids went down at 8pm janet is in her room laying in bed as Kelly is in hers janet turns on the tv and finds a show to watch she gets comfortable pulling the blankets up on her and her baby boy who is sleeping so peacefully she was so glad that Matteo got to talk to Jermaine their poor baby boy cried he misses his daddy and I missed Jermaine to but I knew I need to continue to stay strong I was going to protect my babies
After laying awake for another two hours janet finally falls asleep

The end
Jermaine wants to see janet and the kids
Do you guys think janet should take the kids to see Jermaine
Everyone is having a really hard time
Will janet be able to stay strong for their babies
Or will this break her
How will Christmas be without Jermaine
Y'all let me know what y'all think
Please vote comment

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