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Jermaine POV
I sat on my bed without my baby since she slept in joes room after last night I was ready to get out of here and just be alone with my baby I decided not to tell her what happened unless she asked. I decided to get up and start breakfast for us before we leave our bags we're packed already and in the car for our trip I was super excited to just get away and have some time to relax. I go downstairs putting on a pot of coffee I decided to make breakfast burritos for our breakfast this morning.
I go downstairs to the kitchen to find Jermaine there
Joe: good morning
Jermaine: good morning
Joe: did you sleep well last night without my daughter next to you
Jermaine: I slept good actually
Joe: I did to knowing my daughter couldn't have sex with you
Jermaine: what is your problem with me
Joe: I don't want my daughter with you she should still be with wissam
Just then Janet come downstairs
Janet runs and hugs Jermaine
Jan: good morning baby
Jermaine: good morning beautiful *he kisses her*
Jan: I missed sleeping next to you
Jermaine: me to baby
Jan: good morning joe
Joe: good morning janet did you sleep well?
Jan: yeah I did
Jermaine holds her
Jan: baby what are you making?
Jermaine: making breakfast burritos baby are you hungry?
Jan: yeah I'm starving
Jermaine: should be done in 5 mins baby
Jan: okay baby
Joe: Janet where did you go last night you got out of bed for a bit
Jan: I went to say goodnight to Jermaine joe
Jermaine: breakfast is done
Jan: okay baby
Joe: okay
Jermaine sets the table as Janet sits down
Jermaine: here you go baby *he kisses her*
Jan: thank you baby looks delicious
Jermaine: here you go joe
They sit down and eat breakfast
Joe: what do you guys have planned today?
Jermaine and Janet look at each other
Jermaine: actually I have something planned for my baby
Jan: you do baby *she smiles*
Jermaine: yup I do
Joe: does that mean I have to leave
Jermaine: yeah we're not going to be here so yes
Joe: okay
They finish breakfast and Janet and Jermaine start to clean up
Jan: wait baby what do you have planned?
Jermaine: I'm not telling you love but I think you'll love it
Jan: okay baby *she kisses him* and goes in the living room
Jermaine calls Gil
Jermaine: hey gil is everything set
Gil: yeah Jermaine everything is set you guys leave at 4pm and your bags are in your car
Jermaine: thanks gil
Gil:no problem man have fun and enjoy your guys time
Jermaine: will do
Jermaine hangs up with Gil and smiles he couldn't wait to get out and have some fun with Janet and just relax
Jermaine goes in the living room where Janet and joe are
Janet goes over and sits with Jermaine
Jermaine: did you enjoy breakfast baby?
Jan: yes I did baby it was good
Joe: it was good Jermaine
Jan: baby what are we doing today?
Jermaine: I can't tell you baby but you will love it I promise *he kisses her*
Jan: okay
Joe: can you guys please stop kissing and why are you guys sitting next to each other
Jan: joe stop I'm sitting next to him because I want to
They chill around the house until 3:30pm
Joe: alright I guess I have to go now right?
Jermaine: yeah we're going to be leaving
Jermaine: baby you want to go upstairs and shower and get dressed
Jan: yeah baby
Janet gets up going upstairs to shower and get dressed and Jermaine follows her
After an half an hour they're ready to go
Jermaine: baby you ready?
Jan: yeah love I'm ready
Jermaine: you look beautiful baby
They lock up the house and get in the car driving to the airport
Jermaine: baby are you excited?
Jan: yeah even though I don't know where we're going *she grabs Jermaine's hand*
Jermaine: *he laughs* you'll find out soon my love
Joe: thanks for taking me to the airport you better not try nothing with my daughter whatever your taking her
Jermaine ignores him they get to the airport
He opens the door for Janet and allows joe to get out. Joe hugs Janet and says bye to Jermaine
Joe: you guys have fun
Jan: thanks joe
Jermaine grabs the bags
Jermaine: you ready love?
Jan: yes baby *she grabs his hand*
They get on the plane and take off
They finally arrive at their destination
They get off the plane
Jan: baby where are we?
Jermaine: you like it baby?
Jan: it's beautiful love
Jermaine: welcome to Maldives my love

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