💵In a rich man's world💵

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Jake was rambling on and on to Sean and Hailey about Zoey and Drew being a couple, and how Zoey was a complete gold digger. Hailey and Sean didn't mind listening, but it was getting constant and they were starting to wonder why

"Jake," Hailey said "I get you and Drew are friends but....aren't you think you're obsessing over this a little too much...?"

Jake stopped his blabbering and shrugged. "Well...I dunno...." he sighed. When in truth, he did know. He had been crushing Drew for a few years now and well....now all those feelings had just gone to waste....

Drew was with someone else. Zoey. A bratty, popular, rich girl. Despite them being a couple, Jake knew how Zoey really was. How she was when she wasn't around Drew

"Hey! Jake!"

Jake, Sean, and Hailey looked up. The three of them saw Drew in the doorway, his arm around Zoey's waist hugging her. "Oh boy..." Hailey sighed

"Hey Drew..." Jake smiled nervously "What's up...?"

"Just wanted to drop by, see how you're doing. I don't get why the hell you still hang out with these music freaks still."

"Maybe cause we actually have some manners and class." Hailey said. Drew rolled his eyes

"Drewey-bear, come on!" Zoey complained while tugging her boyfriend's arm. "If we don't leave now, we won't get to the sale at the show store, and I needed those new heels!"

Drew smiled at his girlfriend. "Later Jake, losers" he said to Jake, Hailey, and Sean before leaving with Zoey


An hour and a half later, Drew and Zoey were walking through a shoe store. Both of Zoey's hands were filled with shopping bags. Drew was holding two bags in one hand and was looking at his phone wth the other.

"Don't you think these would look the cutest on me?" Zoey gushed to Drew, while trying on some heels. They were the shoes she wanted, which were shiny rose gold, and the heels looked like crystals.

"Yeah, they would" Drew smiled slightly while looking up from his phone. "Only problem is..." Zoey started to say as she finished trying on the shoes. "I spent all my money on other my other stuff....I wish I could buy these....they'd look so nice with that new dress I just bought..."

Zoey stared at Drew with sad eyes, as if begging him to pay for the shoes. Drew pocketed his phone and took out his wallet. He did have enough...

"Drew, you love me don't you...?

Drew sighed then said "alright....I'll buy them for you..."

"Yay!" Zoey giggled as she removed the heels. Once back in her own shoes, she stood up and hugged Drew's arm. "Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!"

As the two of them were about to pay, they heard Zoey's phone ring. She looked at it, and her face went excited to shook. "Something wrong, babe?" Drew asked. Zoey lowered her phone, hiding the screen against her shirt. "Y-Yeah!" she said "it's just my mom calling, I'll be right back!"

With that she left the store, leaving Drew standing at the counter to pay. "Sir?" the cashier said, making drew look up. "Those shoes will be $76. Would you like to pay with cash or credit?"

Ouch...huge price....but Drew loved Zoey, and he wanted her to be happy

"Cash.." he said, handing over the dollar bills

Drew walked out of the store and looked around. Zoey hadn't come back, and he didn't see her close by. He pulled out his phone and messaged her

Drew: Where r u bby?

*Zoey is typing...*

*Zoey has stopped typing...*

Drew sighed and looked around a second time. Right as he was about to head off and look for her, Zoey ran over

"Sorry baby. I meant to message back but I can't text and call at the same time. Ooh, are those the shoes!"

Drew nodded, and Zoey smiled. "I think we should head home. My feet hurt from walking, I'm tired, and my hands hurt from all the bag carrying" Zoey sighed. "Drew, mind carrying some of these for me?"

Before Drew could speak up, Zoey handed him all the bags but one. They got to the car and Drew began piling the bags into the back seat while Zoey got in the passenger seat. Drew got in and started the car, only to see Zoey was texting someone. "Who're you messaging?" he asked.

"No one..!" Zoey panicked "Just....Just Lia...!"

Drew side and pulled out of the mall parking lot, trying not to think much of what happened

She Doesn't Deserve You(Drew x Jake Story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now