📔Rumor has it he's the one I'm leaving you for📔

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No one's POV

Jake was getting awfully pissed off at Zoey, Lia, and Stacey. Mainly Zoey and Lia though, Stacey hadn't done much of anything. But Zoey and Lia were demons

Ever since Drew broke up with Zoey, Lia and her had been doing everything in their power to let people know. Posting stuff on their Snapchats and Instagrams, spreading rumors at school. You name it, they'd probably done it

The worst rumor though, was that Drew cheated on Zoey


"How do you know this..." Drew said to Jake as he scrolled through the comments of one of Lia's Instagram posts

"Sean's actually the one who found it out...he was talking with some guys from the school newspaper and he said they said they were gonna publish it....thankfully me and him stopped them though..."

Drew didn't take his eyes off the comment section. He scrolled back to the top, back at the post. It was a photo of him with Jake, a digitally drawn red circle around his own face and a large black scribbling over Jake's face

"How long has she been telling people this...." Drew asked, lowering his phone. Jacked inhaled sharply. "Ehh....bout a week......?"

"A week?!"

"and a half...?"


Jake nodded

Drew looked like he was gonna explode. "God, that BITCH is gonna GET HERS"

"Drew, don't do something crazy.." Jake said as he took Drew's phone from his hands. "Give it back!!!" Drew yelled as he desperately teacher for his hand, Jake holding it out of his reach. Jake put Drew's phone in his back pants pocket and Drew backed off. "I'm sure everyone will forget about it" Jake said


About a week and a half later, into almost two full weeks, no one had forgotten

Drew was walking to his locker from class one day when he heard a few jocks yelling

"Hey Drew? How many girlfriends you got now?!"

Drew rolled his eyes and turned to the boy. "Probably more than you ever have, and will." he snarled.

"Ooh, smart guy, eh?" a second jock said. Drew went to open his locker and was shoved into it by the second jock. "You say something, pretty boy? How about I punch in that porcelain face of yours?"

Drew sighed and got into his locker. "My buddy just asked you a question." the first jock said as Drew went to leave. They laughed at him, calling him rude names as he walked off

"Is it true?!"

As Drew continued to walk, he heard some girls talking. He looked at them

"You're such a rat, Drew!" one of them said. "Zoey's such a sweet girl!"

"Says you." Drew said. He kept walking but at almost every turn, someone was there pelting him with insults. He got to his last class of the day and sat down with his headphones on, right as he thought he was about to scream. He felt his phone buzz in his hoodie pocket and took it out. There was a text from Jake

Jake: Hey. You doing okay?

Drew: No, not at all. Everyone's talking to me about it. Either poking fun at me or insulting me

Jake: You should tell a teacher...

Drew: Hell no! I can handle this just fine.


Much later that night, Drew was in his room thinking while staring up at the ceiling. He kept thinking about Jake, and how sweet he was being. Every time he thought about Jake, he felt more chilled out. But at the same time a little angry because Jake was always with the stupid music club. They got in the way of everything

bzzz bzzz

Drew sat up tiredly and looked at his phone. He saw a text from Liam that read "did you guys see this?!" And there was a link attached

Drew opened the message and tapped the link, which took him to an Instagram post. There was a post on someone's account that was a picture of Drew and Jake sitting together at lunch. Henry and Liam were in the photo too, but cropped out. The caption on the post said "Looks like a certain asshat is sneaking off with soccer boy"

Hailey's name was tagged in the post too, as was the entire music club, and Drew's whole friend group. Whoever this was, they were trying to make him look him bad. He scrolled through the comments, seeing multiple comments and replies to comments from Zoey and Lia on the post

Zoey was doing all of this just so she wouldn't get in trouble. He reputation was something very important to her. She knew just as much as Drew that if more people found out about her secret, her reputation would dig into the ground

Drew went to Zoey's private story. He saw her in dozens of photos with some random guy. It was someone their age, but not from their school. Zoey had put captions on some of the photos saying things like she was hanging with her new boyfriend

From how it seemed, she had dumped that other guy and found someone who would make it seem like she wasn't in anything suspicious


The next day at lunch, Drew showed Jake the photo while the two of them waited for Henry and Liam to show up

The teasing unfortunately hadn't stopped, and it was making Drew feel worse. He was constantly thinking about what happened with Zoey, and the lies she'd been telling everyone

"Drew, we need to tell someone about this..." Jake said. "Who can we even tell." Drew said coldly, placing his phone on the table and leaning on the table

"A teacher!" Jake said. "The principal! Zoey's parents! Someone! I don't know her parents, but you do! No matter who we tell though, this is getting out of hand!"

Drew sighed. He knew Jake was right, but what good would telling someone do? Zoey had a pretty masterful poker face, and could work up a few crocodile tears to get anyone to believe anything she said

"Can we just leave it alone, Jake?!" Drew said, standing up while starting to get mad. Jake looked down and sighed. "I just wanna help you, Drew..."

"You wanna help me?!" Drew said, making Jake look back up. "Stop spending all your time doing shit with that music club!!"

Jake got up, and grabbed his bag. "Well that music club, wouldn't be yelling at me right now." Jake said before leaving. Drew looked down, now feeling sick. He sat down as his legs began to weaken. Great. Now Jake was mad at him, on top of everything else that had been happening

Everything was just falling apart...

She Doesn't Deserve You(Drew x Jake Story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now