🎥Smile for the camera🎥

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Authors Note: I apologize in advance...

....this chapter gets really dramatic-

Enjoy the dramatics everyone-


No one's POV

"That was AWESOME!!!" Milly smiled as the music club finished playing one of their songs. Everyone else agreed that their music definitely was getting more impressive by the day

Jake felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He took it out, only to see a text from Drew

Drew💵💗: Wanna play Genshin later tonight? Or watch a movie??

Jake smiled as his face turned a little pinkish coloured

"Ooh, you blushing?"

Milly popped up behind Jake while smirking, scaring the daylights out of him

"AHHH...!!" he screamed as he jumped, almost dropping his phone but catching it. Milly giggled

"Milly, why do you do that....?!" Jake asked. "Just to spite you, and cause you're so easy to scare" the pink haired girl smirked

"So, what's everyone plans now that we're done?" Hailey asked as she went to unplug her microphone. "Reading maybe" Zander said as he began to pack up his stuff. "I'm gonna be practicing my drums more" Luke smiled. "Do you ever take breaks from your baby?" Milly said jokingly. "Of course I do!" Luke said laughing

"Anyway, it's a date with the lovely Daisy for me" Sean smiled as he shut his laptop. "Ooooh~" Milly giggled. Sean just elbowed her playfully. "Oh, hush you"

"What about you, Jake?" Hailey asked. "Huh? What?" Jake said looking up. He was only just now noticing everyone else was staring at him

"What are your plans?"

"And why are you blushing?" Zander added on, folding his arms

Jake's answer was the same for both questions. Although he wasn't sure how the rest of the club would react if he said "I'm on a date with Drew"

"O-Oh...ya know...stuff...."

"Hot date?" Milly asked

Jake's face flushed from pink to red. "N-No!" he quickly protested. "Jake, if this is about the whole thing with Zoey and Drew, and what Zoey said about Drew and how he feels towards you, we'll understand if it's eating away at your mind..."

"...well...." Jake said, drifting his gaze away from his best friends nervously. "I guess....in a way....it is eating away at me...? But not as like...an issue..."

There was silence among the rest of the club. However, Sean and Hailey were the first ones to catch on

"Ohh, I see" Hailey smiled a bit

"Well, congrats on that dude" Sean smiled

"On what??" asked a completely clueless Milly. Although slowly, Luke caught on as well and smiled

"I'll explain later, Zander" Hailey said. Zander nodded

"What about me?!" Milly asked in an over dramatic and flabbergasted tone. "How am I gonna find out?!"

"I'll tell you too" Hailey smiled. Jake felt his phone buzz again. He saw another text from Drew, but this one didn't seem as sweet as the most recent ones

Drew💵💗: Jake, I need you now. Meet me near my locker. It's an emergency.

"Uh, s-sorry guys, I-I gotta go..." Jake said as he grabbed his stuff. Before the rest of the club had time to say bye, Jake had run out the door

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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