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No one's POV

Drew was in his room watching tv, thinking about all that went down at school. Jake probably hates him now. He'd probably tell Liam and Henry, and they'd hate him too...


Drew's phone, which was sitting on the floor beside his bed while charging, lit up with a loud noise. Bringing it up to the bed and looking at the screen, Drew saw something that made his stomach sink

Jake🍑🙄: Hey Drew, uh...ya mind if we meet up in the park? There's something I wanna talk to you about

Drew contemplated his answer to that. On one hand, he did wanna meet Jake so he wouldn't be seen being humiliated in school when Jake let him down. But on the other hand, he didn't wanna go because he knew what was awaiting him

Drew💵🎮: Idk.

Jake🍑🙄: Please? It's important

Drew figured it was better to get the rejection and pain over with now, than having it happen at school and risking other people seeing him and making fun of him

Drew💵🎮: Fine. Meet in 15?

Jake🍑🙄: Sure


Drew and Jake walked into the park at the same time. They both stopped dead in their tracks, staring at each other. Jake sat down on a bench and looked at the spot next to him, as if indicating for Drew to sit down. Drew just walked over and stared at Jake

"So uh...I'm pretty positive I know what you wanna talk to me about." Drew said, placing a hand on his hip. Jake raised an eyebrow

"You wanna tell me all this stuff about how you hate me cause I'm in love with you and you never wanna speak to me again or look at me or-"

"Drew, slow down...!"

Drew cut his sentence short, looking at Jake

"That's not what I was gonna say at all..."

"...alright..." Drew said "Then...what is it..."


No one's POV

Jake took a deep breath, fully prepared to ask what he'd been practicing

"First of all, I wanna know....is it true that you're in love with me....?"

Drew's face flushed red as he looked down. His eyes were beginning to fill with tears as his legs felt numb

"...yeah..." he muttered

Jake gave him a confused look as if to ask what was just said


Jake was taken aback by the sudden yelling from Drew. "Uh...I-I....guess that answers that question..." he said, then asked "...is it also true you get jealous when I'm with the music club because of that...?"

Drew really did not wanna answer that question. He knew the answer to that, but didn't wanna give it

"..is your silence a yes..?" Jake asked, making Drew tense up. "Wh-What? No."

"Drew, if it is, I just wanna know. I wouldn't be angry or anything"

Drew sighed, then said "Fine, it is"

Jake nodded. "Drew, listen,"

He got up and stood in front of Drew while talking

"Yes, I hang out with the music club a lot. Cause they're also my friends. Yes, you and Liam and Henry are my friends too, but I can't always just hang out with you guys. If I'm hanging out with the music club though, that doesn't mean I don't like you and the other guys..."

Drew hesitated before speaking again

"Why do you always leave us for them then."

"Again, I like hanging out with them too..." Jake said "and it's not like I don't hang out with you guys either..."

"You hang out with that stupid freak squad more than us. Like you like them more than us."

Jake sighed, looking down. "I'm....really sorry if things seem that way..."

There was silence between the two of them, before Jake looked back up at Drew and said "How about this,"

Drew looked Jake in the eyes

"If I promise I'll try to make sure.i hang out with you and the guys, and the club equally....do you promise you won't be so angry and stuff like that when I do hang out with them...?"

"No promises." Drew said, folding his arms. "Well, do you at least promise to not be as mad when I hang out with them..?"

Drew thought for a minute. "I guess I can try." he said. Jake nodded, then stepped closer to Drew

"What are you-"

Jake put his arms around Drew's waist, pulling him close and kissing him. Drew hesitated before kissing Jake back. Once they pulled apart, Jake stared at Drew who was completely in shock

"Hey, you okay...?" Jake asked. He had the feeling Drew was either starting to cry, or was about to start

"I just....."

Drew stopped himself short. Now he really was starting to tear up. "I didn't think you'd...like me anymore..."

"What, cause you like me?"

"Yeah...I thought you liked Hailey..."

"Nah...I love you..."

Drew smiled before hugging Jake. "I love you.." Jake said as he hugged Drew back. "I love you too..."


No one's POV

"I can't. believe that asshat!"

Lia squeezed her cell phone in her hand out of anger before looking at Zoey.

"You get it all on camera..." the green eyed girl asked her best friend. Lia nodded in response, pressing the button on her phone camera. "All. of it." she said "this'll do just the trick..."

She Doesn't Deserve You(Drew x Jake Story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now