Banan and the New Companions

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It's been 3 days since Subaru escaped his cell.

Emilia and the rest of the camp could only stare at the cell bars that were bent.

"Wh-Where is Subaru I suppose? Where is Betty's Contractor I Suppose!?" Said a teary eyed Beatrice.

The others couldn't respond, they were all dumbfounded by what they were seeing.

"I don't know Beatrice-sama. I have used my Divine Protection of Investigation and I couldn't believe what came out." Said Reinhardt

"Wha' ya mean ya don' know?" Asked Garfiel

All eyes looked at Reinhardt, waiting for an explanation.

"The cell bars bent by themselves, no traces of magic was used nor some outside help. And it will be impossible for Subaru to bend it in his state. Also, there were so few footsteps of Subaru here outside of his cell. It's as if he was hovering in the air. I would've considered teleportation if the door leading outside the Dungeon wasn't open." He explained.

They couldn't believe it. They knew Subaru didn't have any abilities, he was a normal person in their eyes.

"D-Do you know where he could have went?" Emilia asked.

She had never slept, everytime she does she has nightmares about Subaru in the same cell he's in, begging to be saved.

It hurt her everytime she sees the state of Subaru she and everyone put him in.

"What about JULIUS and FELIX I suppose?" Beatrice spat their names with venom.

Reinhardt grimaced as he heard about the torturers of Subaru.

The others face turned into an angry one when they heard it.

Garfiel growled in anger, Otto looked down and clenched his fists. Ram comforted Rem, who looked like she's going murder someone.

"Felix and Julius have will be punished for their actions after Subaru has been located. They both begged to help find him, but to be honest, I don't think Subaru would want to see them." Reinhardt said.

"They better be punished for what they did, if not, then Rem will be the one who will do so." Rem said, anger laced in her voice.

She will bring justice to what they did to her Hero. She is also enraged that Beatrice is the one who accused her hero in the first place.

Not only that, the other members of Emilia camp berated him at his lowest point.

'Rem should have taken his hand back then. Subaru-kun wouldn't have been hurt for so long!' Rem thought.

She excused herself and left, she needs to find her Hero before it's too late.

She also needs to ba away from those who hurt her Hero.


Subaru is hovering above Kararagi.

At 500 meters and at night time he would be almost unnoticeable.

He is memorizing the layout of the city below him.


The Second city of Kararagi.

Where Slavery is almost illegal.


It irks him that slavery is a norm in most parts of Kararagi, but he can't exactly do something that will earn him a lot of attention.

But that doesn't mean he won't do anything at all.

With the clouds covering the moon he slowly descended.

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