Chapter 17

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Third Person POV:---

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Third Person POV:---

'I wonder what your best friend Sarah would have to say when she gets to know that you are crushing over her fiance.'

"Nora." Dominic mutters, worry shrouds his face, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." She whispers still in a daze with a weak smile on her face.

From the past few days, she was getting threatening message from an unknown number. First she ignored it, thinking someone was messing with her. But she started feeling anxious as she continued receiving messages. She opens the messages that she had got from the last few days.

'You had turned gorgeous, I must say. Sometimes I need to remind myself that I need to hate you. So that I can kill you.'

'Like Mother like Daughter, an amazing actress. Do you really think that no one knows that your relationship with Dominic is fake?'

She was bought out of her thoughts, when one of her classmates, rushed towards them and asked with urgency dripping in her voice, "Did you guys got the news?"

Nora glance at Dominic to know if he had any idea about what she was talking about. He shake his head in 'No'.

Massaging her temple, Jasmine exclaims, "Seems like you both aren't aware. Well Sarah and Ryan are no longer engaged. Ryan had broken their engagement."

Silence overtook them, as they let her words sink in their mind.



Nora and Dominic said at the same, while she said in shock tone. While he sounded somewhat a little happy.

Nora throw him a look to which he shrugged and whispers so that only she can hear, "Now don't give me that look!! We accomplished our mission, didn't we?"

"Have you seen Sarah?" Nora asked concerned.


Just then someone clears their throat on the intercom, attracting theirs and other students that was standing beside them in the locker area attention.

'I am Sorry.'

Nora instantly knew that voice in a heartbeat. It was Ryan's.

'I know sorry wouldn't be enough for the pain and sufferings I have caused you. But still I would like to apologise for pushing you away, unknowingly playing with your feelings, telling you we weren't meant to be.'

Nora bite her bottom lip and her heart started beating wildly. As she realised he was talking to her through intercom.

"You were right all this time. That we indeed had a connection. The connection that means the world to me. I kept denying myself thinking that you were wrong. But you know what? You were absolutely right all this time."

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