Chapter 20

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Third Person's POV:---

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Third Person's POV:---

Harry is on the ground, clutching his body, with a pool of blood around him. He was groaning and hissing in pain.

"Please, Let him go!!" Nora sobbed loudly, as she struggle against the ropes. "He doesn't deserve this. JUST KILL ME AND END ALL OF THIS!!"

"So what do you think I deserve all that things that I experienced?" Liam asked exasperated, as he wipe the blood streaming from his nose and lip, slightly hissing from the pain.

"YOUR PARENTS RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE!!" Liam shouted in rage, tension pouring off his body. "MY FUCKING FAMILY."

"What do you mean?" Nora frowns as tears continue flowing down her eyes.

"Tell me, Liam!!!" Nora repeated when she didn't get any answer from him.

"David Blackford." Liam said slowly. "Does that ring a bell?"

A gasp left her lips, as her eyes go wide open.

"Y-Yo-You............... are h-his.... son?"

A loud menacing laugh blooms in the basement.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"He was madly in love with your mother." He chuckles humorlessly. "Love wouldn't be the word. Obsessed."

"Yes. He was obsessed with her."

"He wasn't over her. And yet your mother fall for another man and a few years later was married to that man. But my father's life was struck. He tried his best to move on."

"He married my mother and had me. But then your mother becomes a well-known actress. Whenever we go, there were her posters and banner. She was everywhere on television whether it be on news channels, movies, ads, shows."

"And at last my father's obsession with your mother returns. He started stalking her, in hopes of getting her back in his life. Watching her movies, ads, shows, and interviews infinite times, till he had it by heart. Remarking how beautiful she is. And that she belongs only with him."

"My mother left him and me." Tears well up in his eyes.

"He kidnapped you in hopes of threatening her to become his. But he was caught and arrested. And in the end, died in jail."

"But what is Nora's and her mother's fault in this? Your father was a psychopath----" Harry mutters loudly clutching his sides and stopping mid-sentence when Liam kicked him hard on his side, making him groan loudly and cough out blood.

"HARRY!!!!" Nora cried loudly her whole body shaking. "Please don't hurt him."

"IT WASN'T MY MOTHER AND MINE FAULT EITHER!!!" A dangerous edge bled into his voice, as he walk towards Nora in small steps.

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