Amelia felt a weight lift off of her shoulders as her living room materialized around her. She looked down at her comatose brother by her feet. She knew he'd be just fine with enough time. Especially if she got the doctors to believe her this time around. He had to be.
No more running.
The thought was loud in her head as she picked up her phone and called the police. They would show up in only a few minutes. She took that time to do something she hadn't even thought about doing during any of the other loops.
She called Ina. Normally, it had been the other way around, but she took the initiative this time around. With her knowledge of what not to do, she could steer this timeline to a good outcome. Maybe then she would have the heart to return back to her original timeline.
"Hey Ame, what's up?" her friend's voice came through the phone cheerfully. Amelia realized she should probably be very sad for what she was about to say. It wasn't that hard to get herself to become sad.
"I-Ina, something happened. I'm gonna be at the hospital. Meet me there ok?" she whimpered. Ina gasped on the other end.
"What?! Are you hurt? What happened?!" Ina sounded frantic.
"I'm fine, I'll explain everything when we meet there."
"I'm on my way," Ina sounded like she was in a massive rush.
"Wait Ina, I'm-" the phone call ended abruptly, "not there yet..." she finished. It was nice to hear Ina's voice again. Her mind still harboured a tiny bit of resentment towards her, but she squashed that down as far as it could go. Ina didn't deserve that.
The police and ambulance arrived shortly after and her and her brother were rushed to the hospital. They all entered the same hospital room Johnny was always taken to. The doctor repeated his lines again and left Amelia alone in the room.
When a knock at the door came a few minutes later, Amelia knew it wasn't the doctor. She opened it and saw Ina with a look of incredible concern on her face.
"Oh my god, Ame are you ok?" she pulled Amelia into a hug. Amelia was initially hesitant towards hugging back, but it only took her a moment before she collapsed into Ina. The relief of seeing her friend, no, best friend, again was overwhelming.
Amelia explained her current situation to a shocked Ina the best she could. Of course, she left out the time traveling and supernatural parts, so she would be taken seriously. Although, something told her that Ina would believe her even if she included them.
During that explanation, she had moved to sitting in the chair with Ina standing next to her. Her friend's hand was firmly placed on her shoulder.
"That's horrible," she said with a hand covering her face. Amelia nodded solemnly.
"At least he's alive-" she said as she turned to her brother on the bed next to her. She stopped short, though.
Johnny was sitting up looking at her. His form looked blurry, but he was definitely sitting up.
"Johnny!" Amelia yelled out, surprising Ina who turned to look. Except now he was laying back on the table. In the blink of an eye, her brother had gone from alive to comatose. What the hell?
"What was that for, Ame?" Ina asked. Amelia looked towards the floor. Her mind was either not fully well yet, or that Priestess was still messing with her.
"It was nothing, I just thought I saw him move..." she said sadly. Ina patted her on the back.
"It'll all be ok. He will get better and your parents will be found," Ina comforted her. Amelia enjoyed this a lot, but she needed to take care of something now.

Corrupted Timelines
FanfictionLearning from your past is one of the most important lessons to learn. Amelia Watson will have this bashed into her head by force. An adventure with brightest highs and the darkest lows awaits. Joining Hololive will be the best thing to ever happen...