"Why...?" the Priest in front of them asked. Gura and Ina tried their best to hide behind Ina'nis.
"I am not like you!" Ina'nis yelled, firing the attack she had been preparing. A small beam shot out of her open palm aimed directly at the Priest's chest. Unfortunately, they just barely dodged it. It did leave a large burn on their side, but not much else.
"Not... friend..." the Priest said, understanding the situation they were in. What they had thought would be an ally, was instead an enemy. They would have to fight to survive this. There was no other option.
"Why are they even here?!" Gura asked frantically. The Priest didn't move from their spot just yet, but all three girls could tell that they were thinking of their next move.
"It probably found my magic and thought I would help it. Sorry guys..." Ina'nis kept her arm extended, trying to increase the speed of her next attack. Even though her opponent was injured, they still possessed enough speed to dodge.
"Let's just take care of them..." Ina said nervously from behind her.
"Yeah," Ina'nis agreed, staring down the Priest. They still hadn't moved. What were they planning?
Ina'nis let another beam rip through the space between them. It was faster this time, but not fast enough. The Priest got several tentacles between themselves and the beam, stopping it before it could hit them. They then swung several of them straight at her.
Ina'nis prepared to counter with her own set of tentacles, but a memory swept her consciousness away.
'Don't even think about moving!' a man in front of her screamed. Her hands were raised in the air in surrender. The man held a bolt action rifle, letting Ina'nis see straight down the barrel.
'What-' Ina'nis started to squeak out before the man rushed at her. Behind him, several other men with rifles of their own followed. They all ran in through her front door and surrounded her. To say she was terrified would be an understatement.
This could be where she died.
Ina'nis understood that she couldn't die here since it was a memory, but it didn't change her past-self's emotions.
'On the ground!' one of the men commanded her, gesturing at the floor with his gun. Ina'nis was still frozen in place. When she didn't comply, the man turned his gun around and slammed the stock into her stomach.
All the air in her lungs was knocked out by several tentacles from the Priest. She flew backwards, collecting Ina and Gura who were just behind her. Only out of pure instinct was she able to put a cushion of tentacles between them and the wall.
The three girls all struggled to get up, sucking wind and clutching several parts of their bodies. Ina'nis staggered to her feet first, readying herself to defend another attack.
"Wh-Why'd you just stand there?!" Gura yelled at her, standing up herself. Ina followed quickly behind.
"A-a memory..." Ina'nis replied quickly, still struggling for air. Gura's rage subsided slightly, knowing that this was out of their control.
"Are you sure that you can fight then? Wouldn't it be better to just run?!" Ina looked around at the damage that had already been caused. It pained her to see the place she had called home for so long being destroyed like this.
"I can try," Ina'nis said, kneeling to the floor to try and cast a teleportation spell. Another tentacle forced her to leap to the side before she could begin. She quickly grabbed Ina and Gura from behind her, moving them to safety.

Corrupted Timelines
FanfictionLearning from your past is one of the most important lessons to learn. Amelia Watson will have this bashed into her head by force. An adventure with brightest highs and the darkest lows awaits. Joining Hololive will be the best thing to ever happen...