"We're almost there!" Kiara called out.
"Oh thank god..." Amelia said while she shivered from the cold. Kiara had tried to keep her warm during the trip, but it wasn't enough. Being multiple thousand feet in the air just made everything too cold.
"Should we close our eyes now?" Calliope asked. The Reaper was sat on top of the Phoenix with Amelia being carried in her arms. It seemed like traveling through the Underworld would be too time consuming or she just wanted to be around Kiara.
"Maybe, I don't really know where the field begins," Kiara said. Amelia took this as a yes and closed her eyes. It was hard to focus on anything but flying through the air, but after a few minutes she was able to ignore the sensation. She tried to focus on Kiara's warmth and thought about how Gura, Ina, and Emersyn were doing. Hopefully they were doing well.
"Wow, it's working!" Kiara yelled over the sound of the wind. This brought both Calliope and Amelia back into the world and they opened their eyes. It was true, the island had gotten closer and they were actually going to arrive there.
"Seems like the Atlantean was telling the truth..." Calliope mumbled to herself. Hopefully the rest of the information provided to her would be accurate as well.
The trio continued to approach the island until it was fully underneath them. Amelia tried her best to not look down and see just how high they really were. Thankfully, Kiara started their descent and within a few minutes, they were only a couple dozen feet off of the ground.
"Alright, gonna put you down now!" Kiara yelled to Amelia. The other girl looked up at her, confused. There was still a fair distance between her and the ground for her to land safely.
"WhaAAAAHHHHHH!!!" And Kiara just dropped her. Amelia continued to scream the entire way down. The ground shot towards her and she prepared to break her fall with a roll.
When she hit the ground, it felt soft. The grass here wasn't like normal grass. It cushioned her fall so much that the roll barely even did anything. Amelia laid down on the grass, sprawling out and hugging the solid ground.
"I am not leaving you again..." she whispered. A thud resounded from beside her. She looked over and saw the Reaper crouching down, having just landed. It seemed like she knew about the soft ground.
"KIARA! DON"T FUCKING DROP ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!" Amelia raged at the circling Phoenix. Kiara seemed to laugh a little before landing herself. The flaming wings on her back disappeared. Amelia hadn't been able to get a good look at how the Phoenix was propelling herself through the air. It looked impressive and powerful.
"Sorry, Ame," she teased. Amelia was not amused, but dropped the topic. They had more important things to focus on now.
"Where to now?" Calliope asked. Kiara looked around them. There were no buildings, no sign of civilization. It looked different from normal land, however. Besides the ground being soft, the trees wobbled slightly more in the light breeze. The air around them had a slight shimmer to it as well.
"This way," Kiara found whatever she was looking for and began to head in a certain direction. Amelia couldn't find whatever it was that tipped Kiara off that this was the correct way.
"How does she know where to go? Are we sure it's even this island?" Amelia tried to strike up a conversation with the cold Reaper next to her. Calliope didn't turn to face her.
"She is sensing the magic in the air. It will get stronger the closer we get to the Hatchery," she answered. Amelia accepted this, having no way to prove otherwise. They continued to walk in one direction until Kiara stopped.

Corrupted Timelines
FanfictionLearning from your past is one of the most important lessons to learn. Amelia Watson will have this bashed into her head by force. An adventure with brightest highs and the darkest lows awaits. Joining Hololive will be the best thing to ever happen...