Chapter 8

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Enjoy the chapter.

Cover art by: Notgustiarp

Chapter 8

His dreams were still plagued with darkness, a thick swirling miasma that would choke him for what felt like hours at a time. Thankfully this time, he didn't have to wait long for help as a bit of gentle persuasion was able to wake him up.

"Was the bucket really necessary?"

Dragging his tired body through the bustling streets of Windrip village had him struggling to keep pace with his supposed savior.

"I thought you fell into a coma, so yes. Plus, we were gonna be late if you slept in any longer."

He felt like that wouldn't have mattered what with the pace they were going with. Or maybe they already were anyways. He wasn't really paying attention, much too focused on his surroundings.

Everyone's staring at us—at me.

They pushed through the crowded streets as they got a bunch of attention from passerby's. It was only when he spied a mother clutching her daughter tightly as they walked by that he realized why.

Bandaged to all heck, he must have looked like a walking disaster to anybody with two working eyes. Along with the dirty clothes and limp they both sported, he was surprised nobody stopped and questioned them.

He pressed tighter behind her as another large man passed by, much too close for comfort. Even receiving a worried stare from the man didn't calm him.

She must have noticed, or maybe they were both a little wary of anyone who resembled him. They stuck to the sides of the walkway after that.

It didn't take long for them to reach the rendezvous point, and gods was he happy about that. At this point, the numbing cream she'd reapplied this morning was losing its effects. The pain wasn't the problem, but the constant itching definitely was.

Woah, a real bullhead!

It was a massive metal box with enormous wings on the sides capped off with large thrusters at the end of each one. It was just like the toy model he'd had right down to the blinking lights dotted around it!

Resting on an elevated platform, he'd have loved to admire it a little longer, but fate had other plans.

"Summer, are we going to ride that—Woah!" Suddenly, a pair of big eyes filled his vision giving him the second scare of the day.

He tried to jump back but only ended up with a pair of arms snaking their way around his waist, locking him in place. Two big bushy ears sat atop their head as hands began to roam his body while he tried to escape. On his face brushed a mass of fur tickling his nose and causing him to struggle more.

"Tsune, calm down." He heard Summer sigh out.

The hands that had just begun to lift his shirt paused for a second giving him a slight reprieve. Spitting out a few strands of hair, he opened his teary eyes and stared with a similarly teary set. Pushing back, he saw that, in fact, the monster attacking him was just a weepy eyed woman. One with an interesting set of extra features.

A real Faunus...

Two fluffy fox ears sat atop her head, nearly blending into her long, draping brown hair. Taller than him and Summer, her long lab coat obscured her outfit, with the only accessory she wore being a stethoscope around her neck.

"But S-Summer, look at him. He's so hurt!" She yelled back worriedly, no longer reaching for his shirt but instead zeroing in on his head wrap. After that, his fight for freedom became a wasted effort as her grip became iron clad. Honestly, it hurt more than his actual wounds!

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