Chapter 13

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The start of the main storyline for AHD is here!

Not to say that the first 12 chapters weren't important or anything either. Everything's been building up the foundation for this epic tale circumnavigating the world of Remnant.

Been waiting a while for this moment, and I'm sure you guys have too!

Though, make sure to stick around for an extra fluffy Short Story at the end. So without further ado...

Enjoy the chapter.

Cover art by: Notgustiarp

Chapter 13


He'd admit that leaving Summer and Tai's home came a little out of nowhere. A spur of the moment decision, even.

Enough so that he didn't possess a plan nor any supplies to survive off till he figured one out. All he had were the clothes on his back consisting of his blue jeans, a plain white tee, and his Pumpkin Pete sweatshirt.

Course, he was swaddled by his red cloak and had dad's sword strapped to his waist-but no food, water, or money to speak of.

Seems he wasn't the only one with these issues, though.

Jumping from the park bench he'd been sharing with this nice homeless man, his head was on a swivel. Turning, he spotted a figure rush out of an alleyway, no doubt a blur to other passerby's as they expertly weaved through the crowds. Soon after, a much slower and more rotund man wearing a chief's outfit followed.

"Somebody stop that thief!"

His body moved on its own, launching itself-

Why lie to myself anymore?

He crossed the street with a barely noticeable stumble, letting his thoughts get the better of him. On the sidewalk, he had to push and almost shove his way through the crowd in order to keep up with the strangely short criminal.

"S-Stop right there!" He yelled after the guy more to alert the people ahead to stop bumping into him!

They passed shop after shop, cars whizzing by as the crowds kept getting busier and busier the longer the chase continued. As mom and pop shops turned to commercial buildings and giant corporate towers, the masses grew that much denser.

Skyscrapers toward above and businessmen wadded down below, all working together to create an even flow of pedestrians.

All to get in his dang way.

Thankfully before he had to start running people over, the thief chose to turn into a nearby alleyway-it no doubt being less crowded.

But not any less dangerous.

Why was he even chasing this guy? Didn't he have more important things to worry about than chasing petty thugs into dark alleyways?

Or was he just looking for a convenient distraction?

The time for musing was over as he came up on the same entrance, and while he might have hesitated, his body decided on its own to-

He whipped his head around violently, stopping that thought as that same question popped up in his head.

"Didn't I promise not to lie to myself anymore..." He mumbled, glancing down at the dark abyss the narrow passageway held. "If I'm going, it has to be because I want to-not because of anything else, let alone me lying to myself that I'm some sort of natural born hero..."

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