Chapter six: Where's Sammy!?!?

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Chapter 6: Where’s Sammy?


“Under here!” She heard Sammy yell.

Penelope looked under own bed and saw Sammy.

“Oh Sammy what are you doing in here? You scared me.”

“I saw a spider. So I hid in here.”

“Oh Sammy come on. Why can’t you stay in one spot for one minute? Get back into bed. I’ll get the spider.”

“Thank you P.”

“Your welcome.” Penelope said as she grabbed the broom from the kitchen downstairs.

She stabbed the spider. The spider rolled onto his back and couldn’t get up. She stabbed it again it didn’t move after that.

“Yay!!” Sammy cheered.

“There you go sissy.” Penelope said as she swept up the spider and threw it in the toilet.

She washed her hands then went into Sammy’s room.

“I love you Sammy. I’m gonna go clean up downstairs ok?”

“Alright. I love you too and I’m sorry I scared you.”

“It’s ok Sammy. Now get some sleep.”

“Ok.” Sammy said closing her eyes.

Penelope walked downstairs with the broom and dust pan and swept the kitchen floor. After a few hours of cleaning she heard someone at the front door.

Penelope answered it.

“Hey mom. Sammy doesn’t….”

“I know doesn’t feel well. I got soup don’t worry.”

Penelope smiled.


“Yes hunny?” Penelope’s mother asked.

“I was wondering if I could go out with someone tomorrow.”


“A guy I met.”

“Really? You met a guy?”


“What’s his name?”


“That’s great. What time tomorrow?”


“I don’t know.”

“I can’t go?”

“Can you take Sammy?”

“What if my friend Alyssia watches her?”

“I guess.”

“Yes!! Thanks mom.”

“You’re welcome. I’m gonna go give Sammy some soup ok?”

“Alright.” Penelope said as she grabbed the laptop and went into her room. She laid on her bed and signed into chat.

MasterLM91: Hey ur up?

PrincessP92: Yea it’s only 9

MasterLM91: Oh right.

PrincessP92: lol

MasterLM91: What?

PrincessP92: Nothing.

MasterLM91: Oh.

PrincessP92: My sister is sick.

MasterLM91: Really? I’m sorry.

PrincessP92: Thanks me too.

MasterLM91: No prob. Does that mean u don’t want 2 go 2morrow?

PrincessP92: No. I still want to go.

MasterLM91: Ok.

PrincessP92: I’m gonna get off of here.

MasterLM91: Y?

PrincessP92: cuz I want to

MasterLM91: oh sorry I shouldn’t have asked

PrincessP92: It’s ok.

MasterLM91: Good well bye!!

PrincessP92: Bye!!

Sorry guys i'm just not having that much luck on ideas for this book. I also have 3 other books that I am writing so i'm really trying to post new chapters for all of them every once in a while. When ever i can. I appreciate you guys reading this book though it means alot!

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