Chapter Four

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When Waverly began to dream, she somehow knew she had fallen asleep untucked. She dreamed she was back in the huge country with black smoky clouds and sky high mountains. The cracks on the ground were wider this time but black smoke still seeped out of them. The earth trembled and cracked and yawned until a large pit was right before Waverly's eyes.

She saw the light from far beneath. It was almost like the faint glow of a firefly but it was not yellow. It was powdery white. Waverly stretched out a hand. She had the feeling that she could reach the light but at the same time she knew it was as far away as the earth was from the sky.

"You must hurry. Save me, daughter!" The same female voice called from the depths.

Waverly felt a sob constrict inside her throat. She had to travel faster in order to reach her mother.

"I am on my way but you must try to tell me exactly where you are." Waverly said. The landscape began to shift, drawing her farther away from the pit and reducing the woman's voice to a faded echo.

"I fear i do not know where i am. But you must journey quickly to find me. You must hurry."

The landscape stretched out some more until Waverly found herself staring at nothing but a dark spot on the horizon. The sound of rushing waves roared in her ears and her body swayed from one side to the other. In her dream state, Waverly believed she was only swaying but when she stirred awake she saw Judson shaking her.

"You have to wake up!" He cried in alarm.

His hair was dripping wet and his face had turned whiter than it usually was. Waverly saw that he was incredibly frightened. She also realized that she was soaked to the bone.

Before she could sit up, a really strong wind blew in her face and ripped the sheets off the bed and the bed with it. Hilda was swaying defenselessly in the direction of the wind. Objects clattered around and flew out into the water.

"What is that?" Waverly shouted.

"Tempest!" Judson shouted back. Waverly thought she had never heard his voice so high before.

"Bad winds?" She asked gripping tightly to a bar that had been above the bed as Hilda did a dangerous pirouette.

"No. Tumut!" Judson replied.

"What?" Waverly shouted.

Judson pointed out to the sea.

At first, Waverly could not see anything in the violent splash of sea water and grey thunderous clouds but when she focused, she realized two things. The first was that Hilda had sailed out into open sea once again and the second was that the grey cloud had hands.

Waverly blinked.

Clouds do not have hands. She thought.

But these clouds did. They had very large hands and they stirred up the water so that the storm continued raging. Judson had called the storm Tumut. Waverly was sure she had never heard such a name before.

The sea roared and splashed against Hilda causing parts of the boat to break apart like paper. Judson quickly began to pack up his bag. Waverly did the the same and hastily strapped on her Grogana. She was thankful she had forgotten about emptying the bag otherwise many useful items would have been lost.

The storm clouds spread over them and rain poured down in cold angry whips drenching their clothes until it stuck to their skin. Hilda began to sink.

"No! We can not let her overturn!" Waverly screamed as the boat tilted sideways, vacuuming water faster by the second.

The Moon Spawn #1 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now