Chapter 23

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            Playing:🎶Bandana by Fireboy DML ft Asake🎶
                     -Permission To Snoop-

Xander's POV

I obeyed her command to eat, and now we are sipping on our drinks. My vision shifts to her phone on my right, and snatch it up.

"Permission to snoop?" I inquire, putting the phone to her face which causes it to unlock.

"Feel free." She shrugs, stunning me.

"You really are different," I muse in a low tone and sit back, fishing around on the screen. Spotting her photo gallery, I select it, my sight filled with numerous pictures, more than I can care to count.

I choose a random one, and smile at the image of her in a white t-shirt and black shorts sitting and staring away from the camera, a book in hand and legs crossed.

"Why are you smiling like that?" She queries and I shift my attention to her.

"How do you mean?" I ask, cocking my head to the side and smirking.

"Uh, never mind," she groans, deciding not to answer.

I bob my head, and return to ogle the screen, swiping left to see more pictures. I inhale sharply when my eyes spot a mirror selfie.

"What? Why did you suddenly go still?" She interrogates, her voice sounding far off as I take in the image of her in a black lacy bra with matching g-string panties. "Xander?"

"Fuck!" I hiss, capturing the shot to memory and hoping it doesn't ever leave till I see the real thing.

"Xander," she calls.

"Hmm," I respond, not able to form words at the moment.

"Are you alright?" She implores, offering me a perplexed look.

"Sure, I'm fine," I clear my throat and discreetly swipe to another picture in case she asks to see what I was gaping at. "Why won't I be?"

"You tell me," she scoffs. "You spaced out for a second and I got worried."

"Oh, I'm fine." I gulp and glance at the current image on the screen. I observe the area is beautifully remote with trees in the background and a bungalow behind where she stood to take the selfie. "Is this Nigeria?"

"Yeah," she affirms after I show her the screen. "That's where my Mom lives."

"It looks recent," I say, pointing at the screen.

"Yeah, I was there some months ago with Allison," she replies, her expression changing to a sad one as she says this. I decide not to pry more and rather, take a sip of my drink.

"Your mom?" I quiz, seeing one of her with a woman that comes off to be almost her twin if not for the prominent age gap.

"Yep, that's her." She smiles affectionately and I'm glad to observe her mood lift a bit. "How did you guess?"

"There's a striking resemblance," I inform, though I know she must have heard that several times from people.

We return to our comfortable silence, the buzzing of other diners around us as I continue to peer at picture after picture. My expression morphs into a frown when I see one of her with the same guy who was laughing with her in the parking lot that day.

"Your boyfriend?" I ask stiffly, surprised at my tone as I twist the phone to her line of vision.
The image is of the two laughing, his arm around her shoulder and her face in the crook of his neck.

"Nah, Khalid is more of a brother," she explains. "He's a Nigerian too, but from the northern part."

"Oh," I blurt, relieved by her response. "Sorry about how I reacted."

"It's nothing." She beams, "I've been asked that severally."

"Why?" I interrogate.

"We tend to hang out a lot and you know, do what best friends do, so it's only normal for people to think we are a couple hence he's a hot male, and I'm plain me," she enlightens.

"Sweetheart, there's nothing plain about you," I murmur, giving her a scrutinizing gaze as the picture of her in that lingerie flashes through my mind's eye.

She shyly avoids eye contact, my statement having an effect on her. My lips tilt to the side at this observation and I lift my palm motioning for a waiter. The one attending to us appears and I hand him my card which I retrieve from my wallet, and he scurries away.

"I should get you home," I speak, gulping down the rest of the liquid in my glass. My body opposing to my statement thus all it wants is to bend her over on this table and fuck her senseless, not caring who is watching.

Yes, I know that's a crazy thing to do but all sense seems to fly out the window whenever she's close. Thankfully the waiter returns with my receipt and card, causing me to rise.

"Shall we, beautiful?" I invite, stretching out a palm.

"We shall," she chuckles, taking the bait and placing her hand in mine as we exit the place together.

"Where do you live?" I interrogate her as I open her door for her.

"Don't worry, I'll show you," she winks, and I strive to stop my mind from thinking there's an underlying meaning to it and bang the door after she enters.


"You look happy," Charles blurts the minute I step into the living room.

"Good one Einstein." I roll my eyes and walk past him in the direction of my room.

"Leaving so soon?" He yells in a query as I reach the stairway.

"Yep," I throw back, ascending the stairs and taking a turn to my bedroom.

I close the door after and quickly discard my clothes, grabbing a towel and heading straight for the bathroom.

In there, I turn on the shower, my mind wandering to the events of the day. Truth be told, it was a long one, rather I'm glad at how it turned out.

Thinking back on my date with Helena, I for sure can state that it's nothing compared to the one Layla and I had. This brings my mind to the question, 'can I call this little lunch Helena and I had a date?'

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