I love you but no fucking way

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Tw.  Self harm
Background: you have been distance from the team so some pull you up about it
I ruined it , I was doing so well then I had to go and fuck it up. School been so stressful so I done what always makes me de stressed,cutting, I knew going into it it's risky because I'm a hugger and I'm alway latched onto someone epically my girlfriend natty but with school and the people in it it's been hard recently, I was just supposed to do it once then ...... I don't know it went down hill, nobody knows not even my best friend kate and yelena who I tell everything to

I just enter the compound I ask Friday where everyone was he told me they were in a meting and how I could not disturb them so I just went and annoy the twins Tom and billy for a while since there by themselves and to ya know.... Distract myself from other thoughts . I knocked on there door.

Tom: who is it
Y/n : it's your favourite person ever
Bill: if it is then they will know the secret password
Y/n: well dose it go something like Tony stank stinks

They open the door and run into me , i hiss a bit but cover it up because I'm a ✨pro✨

Bill: we knew you were ok
Tom: didn't doubt it for a second
Y/n:what you on about buds
Bill: mommy said we had to be careful because you not yourself or something like that
Tom:yay she said you were sick but mommy was just being silly right

You stared to get angry but you kept your clam because they are just kids Wanda had no right to say anything to them you were FINE there is and was nothing wrong , yes maybe you weren't begging the cuddle person you used to be but didn't mean anything
( it actually did mean anything cause last time you weren't yourself was .... Ya know )

Y/n: I'm ok buddies but why don't use play out the back and I'll go tell you mummy that you out there ok
Tom: but you just stared to play with us
Y/n:I know but I might play with you later ok
Both: ok!!

They left to go out side i when u saw they were outside you marched to the meting room the blinds where down so you couldn't see anyone , when I try to open the door it was locked
Y/n: open the door Friday
Friday: I'm sorry miss stark your father has authorised to not let you in this room , would you like me to make you a slushy
Y/n: do I fuck let me in Friday
You stared banging the door and widows, this lasted 10 minutes until you saw some people walking out and your dad standing at the door
Tony: come in y/n/n

As soon as you walked in the only people that was left was your dad , Kate ,yelena , Wanda ,Natasha and peitro   . You locked eyes with Wanda and you couldn't hold in your anger
Yelena: clam down
Wanda: I just told then your-
Wanda: cause this isn't you

When you looked up you locked eyes with nat , you just wanted to collapse in her arms and tell her everything but you couldn't,u made it this far without help I wouldn't need it now ,what's the point

Kate: y/n/n look at me please  *you do* can you show me your legs please
Y/n: ..... okay *you left your joggers up to there surprise they found nothing *
Yelena: your stomach now please
Y/n: okay ? *show then , nothing*
Tony: ok then your wrist
Y/n: hey man I love you but no fucking way
Nat: y/n.........
Y/n: .....*You look down with tears in your eyes *
Peitro: y/n/n talk to us

I done what any noble person would do and ran faster that peitro to my room to have a metal break down


Everyone just look up with sadness and worry they knew what's happen there not dumb but there just worried abou there best friend , the light of the team
Kate: someone should talk to her
Nat: I'll go
Natasha states to stand up and go to the door when someone pulls her back when she looks over her shoulder she sees Tony
Tony: Nat
Nat: yes
Tony: check her wrist , please
Nat looks down and says yes then leaves to find y/n

*nat walk into your room*
Natty: hey bubs can we talk
*you look at her and you wipe your tears from your eyes*
Natty: what happen in the meeting room
Y/n: there is nothing to talk about .... Leave me alone
Natty: y/n/n.... Please
Y/n: no
*nat walk over and hugs you *
*she lets go and took your wrist and pulled the sleeves up *
Y/n:NAT !!
*nat see all the cuts ,bloods on your wrist *
Nat: Y/n!!!
*you pull away*
Y/n: I can explain
Nat: please do
* minuite of silence *
Nat: so ?
Y/n: well...... it's school it has gotten so stressful to the point where I cry myself to sleep ever night and dad is all ways asking why I ain't helping the avengers that much anymore and now I feel like I am letting everyone down
Nat: you could of told me or anyone we would have helped,I would have helped
Y/n: I'm sorry.... I just didn't know what to do
Nat: y/n.... I'm sorry but we need to tell everyone ....they are worried baby girl
*y/n sighs*
Y/n: fine, cuddles
Natty: cuddles * lifts you up and carry you to the other *
Tony: y/n......
Natty: tell then bubba
Y/n: I'm sorry..... I know that I did wrong I should have come to you guys about it ...... it's just everything got so stressful
Kate: it's ok
Yelena : just never do it again
Y/n: I promise, wove yous

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