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I was standing at the door of the flat I used to live in for years. Was I ready for this? What if he won't be living here anymore?

I decided to fuck it and finally knock on those stupid door. I could hear shuffling and some voices coming from behind before the door finally opened, relieving Niall's bleached blonde hair.

We just stood there, staring at each other without uttering a single word.

"Hey." I said in the end. Someone had to break that awful silence.
"Hey?" he questioned.
"That's all you have to say after months of being gone? Just hey?" Niall a maddy.

"You were the one who didn't even call me. You made me really mad that day Niall. You really did."

"Who is it?" a female came from behind, taking Niall's side.

"Oh." she checked me up and down.

"I am Maya, Maya Henry." she said in the end, staring at me in anticipation.

"I am Harry, Styles." my brows knitted together as I checked her up and down as well. There was something off about her but I didn't know quite what.

"So you came for your things then?" Niall spoke up.


"You don't live here anymore, right? You are obviously home in New York now." really good idea to come here.

"Actually, I will come to take them when I will truly move back. I am here just for the weekend."

"So you are coming back now? It wasn't all flowers and unicorns there, huh?"

"I am coming back because I want to settle down with a person dear to my heart. Sometimes you need to sacrifice things for another." I turned around, walking away with furious expression on my face. He made me really fucking mad right now, just like the last time.

No wonder we stopped talking. Fuck, let's just forget it, forget him.

Louis had to go to the club today. I understood he had something important to do. I couldn't be angry with him. There was nothing to be angry about in the first place.

A car was waiting for me outside, ready to take me to his home. I climbed in, hearing my phone beep.

There was a new message.

No caller ID: Hello big boy, welcome back.

I was at loss of words the minute I finished reading it. This was the phone from which LP was messaging me in the past. But LP was dead now. It didn't make sense.

I closed the phone, seeing that the car wasn't going in the direction of Louis' flat.

"Where are you taking me?"

Louis' POV

"Okay, you all have something to do this week. Be precise!" I said before I let them leave.

Harry should be here any minute, I told the driver to get his pretty ass here. He would be home alone anyway and I just really wanted him here right now.

Finally the door opened and there was standing my pretty boy.
"You scared me." he said, intimidated expression still adorning his face.

"What?" I came closer to him to look at him better.

"I thought they were kidnapping me at first." he chuckled, trying to cover up his fear.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or anything like that. How did it go with that Irish imp?" I looked him in the eyes, forcing him to look back at me.

"He just made me angry again. Nothing changed. He also asked if I was going to take my things or not." Harry looked down on his hands.

"So he practically kicked you out?" I said in disbelief.

"I guess so." he shrugged.

"Forget him. He's stupid. One word and-" he interrupted me, giving me a look.

"No killing Louis!" he said seriously.

"Look what you are thinking of." I laughed but he didn't.

"No killing, I understand." I nodded, cupping his cheeks.

"Now let's just... make you forget about that idiot." I walked him back until his back wasn't pressed against the cold wall.

"Here?" he looked around the meeting room.

"Yeah. I am gonna fuck you hard against the wall." I threw my head back, already imagining pictures of Harry moaning and squirming against it.

"You have a thing for walls..." he laughed.

"Hey." I smacked his arm, making him stop.

"Sorry." he whispered like a submissive puppy.

"You better be." I pressed my body against his, whispering those words into his lips.

Harry's POV

It was something past four and I was just finishing with packing my things. I didn't want to leave though, at least not yet.

"Do you have everything?" Louis asked when I appeared in the hallway with my suitcase rolling behind me.

"I think so, yeah." I said sadly.

"Okay, let's go. Car is waiting." he waved for me to come, putting his wallet and mobile into the pockets of his grey Nike sweatpants.

"You are going too?" I questioned.

"Of course? What the fuck?" he shook his head, leaving the flat first.

I just bit away a teeny smile, following him into the car that was already waiting outside, just as he promised.

We sat together in the backseats, not saying anything at all the first few minutes of our ride.
"I will miss you." I whispered, not looking at Louis.

"Will too." he put his left hand on my thigh, squeezing it tight.
"You will come home soon." he added.

"Hopefully." I whispered to myself. Suddenly my phone beeped. I pulled it out to take a look on the screen.

No caller ID: See you soon. Enjoy your last trip. ;)

I swallowed hardly. I thought about telling this to Louis, in the end I decided against it. LP was dead. Somebody had just probably found the device and the messages and they thought it would be funny to continue sending them.

I didn't react to it, putting my phone back into my pocket.

"Leprechaun?" Louis asked with furrowed brows.

"No, no... Dustin texted me something about work." Louis' jaw clenched and his grip on my thigh tightened as his name left my mouth.

He was jealous!

I didn't say anything about it though. I just had my little moment. He obviously had no idea Dustin was straight and I wasn't going to tell him that either. It would spoil the fun!

"We are here." Joshua said when he parked the car in front of the airport entrance door.

"Alright, let's go." Louis jumped out first, taking my suitcase out of the trunk.
When the trunk closed with a loud slam Joshua spoke up.

"It's amazing to see him like this." he stared at Louis through the rear-view mirror.

"Like what?" I stopped in my tracks, my hand loosing the grip on the door handle.

"In love." I looked outside on him too, just catching the sight of him lighting up a cigarette.

"He had never been like this before. You make him really happy although he still tries to hide it. He is not good at it anymore."

It's been a while since I updated. Things are constantly changing and I didn't really feel like writing a new chapter for this book, until today.

I think we all know what's happening with Ukraine and Russia right now. It's terrible. I just hope you are all safe my loves!

Take care, I love you lots!<3

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