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As the time passed we kept having arguments about very random things. For example last time we argued becuase of Louis' clothes. Yeah, Louis is messy but his closet has to be in order as I found out. We kept arguing as some old married couple. Sometimes we wouldn't talk to each other the whole day.

But at the end of the day we always made up, we just couldn't stand staying angry with each other.

"Louis?" I exclaimed from the doorway.
"What?" he yelled back.
"Will you help me? The furniture will arrive to the studio in 15minutes!" I screamed while getting my shoes on.

Louis walked into the hallway with phone on ear.
"I am calling Joshua, he will help you with it." he announced.
"My place, some bigger car. Yes, that's it." and with that he hung up.
"He should be outside in a minute." and then he quickly walked back, leaving me there alone.

I hoped he would be the one helping me... nevermind. He probably had better things to do.

Joshua was outside the skyscraper in 5 minutes. He was really that quick.
"Thank you for picking me up." I said while getting into the backseats.
"It's my job." he pulled away from the pavement.
"You don't mind helping me, right?"
"Boss said to help you so that's what I am gonna do."
"Yeah..." I shook my head in understatement.

Joshua helped me take it all inside. I was thankfull because I surely wouldn't be able to do this all on my own.

"I am going to assemble it as well. You can go if you want, I don't want to bother you." I walked over to the first box with knife that I previously picked up from the counter.

"You are not bothering me at all, let's take a look at it and see what we can do."

In the end we both spent 4 hours on assembling the furniture, but the outcome was definitively worth it.

"Wow." I looked around when we were done.

"It looks really nice, Robb should be afraid. I think I will be going here from now on." he chuckled a bit.

"He has nothing to be afraid of. I am not that good anyway." I disagreed.

"Boss thinks something else."

After we cleaned up all of the cartons and paper we got back into the car.

Joshua drove me through the already darkening city until we weren't in front of the skyscraper where I lived.

"Thank you for helping me."

"Welcome." he smiled small before he drove away.

When I opened the door from the flat it was quiet. The flat was dark, the only source of light coming from the living room.

I entered the room to see Louis spread out on the couch.

The dimmed light was coming from the lamp that was turned on in the corner of the room, other than that it was dark.

He wasn't doing anything which was weird.

"Louis?" I approached the couch at slow pace.
"Took you long enough." he huffed.
"I told you I wanted to assemble the furniture as well."
"Yeah, but I'd never guess it would take you like 5 hours."
"Sorry, I wanted to finish it all at once." I smiled apologetically.

"I am starving, let's go." he got up from his spot on the couch.

"To a restaurant." he shrugged.
"Alright then. What should I wear?" Louis thought for a bit before he responded.

"Skinny jeans, because they show off this pretty thing." his hand caressed my ass.
"And some button up, just like you always do." he added.

"O-okay." I stuttered.

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