Chapter Fourteen

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Up until this point y/n had been a virgin her whole life. I had lost my virginity briefly before mine and
y/n's relationship began, I know I was young but, oh well.

"Heyyyy loveee." I tease, walking over to my wife.
"Yes baby?" She says, turning around to face me.
"Remember about a year ago when you said you wanted to have a baby?"
"Never stopped thinking about it for a second."
"Well I think I'm ready now."
"Like... right... now?"
"If you want."
"B-but Finn I've never-"
"I know. It's okay, I'll go easy on you. I've only ever done this once myself."
And before we knew it we were in the bedroom undressing each other.
I push her body down on the bed gently, hovering over her and kissing her passionately.
"Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like are you sure you want me to have your virginity? And the whole reason we're doing this, I mean, this is a huge step are you sure you're ready for a baby?"
"I'm sure that I want this, all of it."
And with that I very carefully aligned myself with her entrance, and ever so slowly thrusted into her.
She hitched her breath and threw her head back in pain after me popping her cheery.
"You're bleeding my love." I tell her.
"Y-yeah I figured."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No, no, keep going I'm alright."
And so I did. unlike my first time, this was filled with nothing but love and passion. Just how I dreamed it would go down.

Skipping to probably a day or so later...

"Im nervous... what if I'm not pregnant?" Y/n tells me.
"Then I guess we'll have to just keep trying." I respond.
Then y/n's, timer goes off.
She takes a deep breath, "are you ready to flip it?" She asks, referring to the upside down pregnancy test on our bathroom counter.
"Ready when you are love."
"Okay... 3... 2... 1." She flips the test to see two red lines.
"Holy shit baby we're pregnant!" I say picking her up and spinning her around.
"Oh my fucking god I'm so excited!"
"You're going to be an amazing mother y/n, I can already feel it."
"And I bet you're going to be an even better father Finn, I love you so much."
"I love you too y/n, so fucking much."

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