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   Mira sighed as she sat on the chair outside Emma Tig's office, waiting for Hope to come out from their meeting. Like predicted, Emma's beacon had picked up on the spell, and it didn't take her long to trace it back to Hope. Not wanting to get her into trouble too, Hope made it clear she wasn't going to mention that Mira had helped, or that the twins had even been in the room when the spell was happening.

   The moment the door opened, Mira pushed to her feet, looking at her cousin who held annoyance in her eyes. "What happened?"

   "The usual lecture." Hope replied, rolling her eyes. "All that matters now is finding Landon."

   "If he's even still there." Mira said warily. "He's had all night to get as far away as possible."

   "It doesn't matter if he's there or in another state." Hope said bluntly and firmly, determination in her eyes. "I'm going to find him."

   Mira held her hands up at that. "I never said you wouldn't. I'm just..." She bit her lip, hesitating on if to even say it or not. "You don't need to--"

   "Mira." Hope cut her off, stopping in her tracks to look at her, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't need another lecture, okay? You know why I need to do this." She reminded, causing the youngest of the two to yet out a sigh. "I need to know you're on my side about this."

   "You know that I am." She told her softly. "I'd come with to help but..."

   "The game, I know." Hope nodded knowingly. "It's probably better that you don't come. There's no reason for both of us to get in trouble." She squeezed her shoulder. "I'll let you know what happened when I get back." She promised before she left upstairs to get ready.

   Mira pursed her lips as she watched her go, a wary look appearing in her eyes. She knew Landon's betrayal was clouding Hope's judgement, and she dreaded to think what she'd do to try and put right mistakes she had decided were all her fault. After the incident with Roman Sienna two years ago, it had been hard for her cousin to let anyone in like that again, and Landon had helped and ruined any progress like that within the space of one day.

   Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, she made her way in the direction of the main entrance, pausing when noticed who was walking inside. "Mom?" She let out in disbelief, as Audrey Mikaelson turned to her with a growing smile.

   "Hey sweetheart--oof!" Audrey chuckled, as Mira didn't hesitate to throw her arms around her mother, hugging her tightly. "Nice to see you too."

   "What are you doing here? Is dad here too?" Mira rambled out as she pulled away.

   "Your father and I were on our way back from visiting Freya and Keelin, so we thought we'd take detour to come watch the game today before we head home." She told her. "We thought we could all get something to eat together beforehand." She raised a brow. "Where's Grace, Elliot, and Hope?"

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