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   "Did you get it?"

   Mira Mikaelson grinned at her younger siblings and cousin as she walked into her dorm room, holding up the tub of mint chocolate chip ice-cream in her left hand, four spoons in her right. The twins didn't hesitate to snatch a spoon from her hand as she joined them on the bed, pulling the lid of the tub to dig in. Family ice-cream nights had become a tradition between the four while they were at school, wanting to have time for just the four of them to catch up during week with them being in different grades and classes, without any other students or teachers around to interrupt them. 

   So, about an hour after the younger classes curfew, Grace and Elliot would meet up and sneak to Mira's dorm to meet with her and Hope. 

   Of course, mint chocolate chip was the flavor of choice, a preference for it they'd gotten off Audrey. "I'm going with Doctor Saltzman to collect the new student later." Hope looked at Mira, raising a brow. "Are you coming?"

   "Where this time?" She asked, taking a spoonful of the ice-cream for herself.

   "Atlanta." She told her. "It's a werewolf, by the looks of it. It shouldn't take too long." 

   Grace looked between her sister and cousin with narrowed eyes. "Didn't mom and dad say you two shouldn't be going on the recruitment missions?"

   "Well, what aunt Rey and uncle Elijah don't know won't hurt them." Hope brushed off. "It's not like it's anything we can't handle."

   Elliot scrunched his nose slightly, licking the back of his spoon. "I don't think that's why they said no." He said knowingly. "Mom kept going on about how Doctor Saltzman shouldn't be treating you guys like you work for the school."

   Mira merely sent the pair a flat look. "Just eat your ice-cream." She ordered, before shaking her head at Hope. "I can't. Lizzie and Josie have asked me to do the welcome tour with them tomorrow, so they want to spend tonight going over it." She gave her a look as Hope didn't even attempt to hide her eye roll. "Don't start."

   Hope just flashed an innocent smile. "I'm not saying anything."

   "You don't have to." She shot back, rolling her own eyes.

   "Lizzie likes to poke." Grace recited knowingly, a cheeky smile appearing on her lips. At only nine years old, she had of getting into everyone's business, private or not. Mira had heard her parents compare Grace to Rebekah on multiple occasions, and both Rebekah and Grace took it as the highest compliment possible. "So Hope pokes back."

   "See?" Hope offered her oldest cousin a smug smile. "Grace gets it."

    Elliot made a face at that, opening his mouth to interject, earning a swift elbow in the ribs from his twin before he could get a word out. "Hey!" He yelped, elbowing her back with a glare.

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