Chapter 13: Hero

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Clark walks down the stairs and says, "Well, at least Kara didn't forget how to use all the hot water

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Clark walks down the stairs and says, "Well, at least Kara didn't forget how to use all the hot water." Clark sees Lionel and Liana in the kitchen talking. Lionel says, "Yeah, but I understand that she still hasn't managed to recover her memory." Clark says, "Yeah, she thinks she's from Minnestoa. But I think the more she looks into her past... she'll realize it's all a lie." Lionel says, "I, uh... Do you think, if she was, uh, taken to the fortress it might speed up the process?" Clark says, "Last time I went to Jor-El for advice he kept me prisoner in the fortress. I think it's time to tell her the truth." Liana says, "She won't believe you. Clark, we have to protect her." Lionel says, "I agree, especially when she's been... visiting... with Lex." Liana says, "As much as I hate to admit it, it makes sense. He found her. She trusts him." Clark says, "Her bracelet. That connects her to Krypton." Lionel says, "Yes, but, uh... I thought it had gone missing." Clark says, "It has, but there's got to be some way to find it." Lionel looks at his watch and says, "Hm. Oh, in the meantime I suggest you keep a sharp eye on Lex's, uh latest endeavor." Lionel opens the door, and they see Pete. Lionel says, "Pete Ross. What a surprise." Liana smiles and says, "Oh, my God, Pete." Pete smiles and says, "Hey." Liana walks to Pete and gives him a big hug. Clark shakes Pete's hand with a smile and says, "Pete, it's good to see you. What are you doing here?" Pete says, "More importantly, what's he doing here?" Clark says, "Uh..." Pete says, "I guess more has changed around here than I thought." Clark says, "It's a long story." They tell Pete everything he missed. They then go outside, and Clark lifts the logs into the truck and Liana says, "Okay, I'll see you this afternoon." Liana pecks Clark's lips and he says, "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Liana says, "No, it's okay. Ben will help me unload the posts." Liana gets into the truck and drives away. Clark and Pete then play some basketball. Pete says, "So the secret of the century is not so secret anymore. Lionel, Chloe, Liana, and Lana all know the truth about your extra-terrestrial crash landing?" Clark says, "Oh, it all just kind of happened. Well, the truth is with all the danger I out you in knowing my secret I actually didn't want to tell anybody else, but--" Pete cuts Clark off and says, "But let me guess. You couldn't stop trying to save the world and you got caught. Let's go." Clark runs with the ball and Pete snatches it with his new power and continues to say, "Wonder what your dad would think about a Luthor hanging out in his kitchen." Pete shoots the ball and makes it." Clark says, "Well... Since my dad's been gone Lionel's done a lot for me and my mom." Pete says, "Oh, I'm sure he has. I mean, he's done a lot for my family, too. Took our factory, caused my parents' divorce. The guy's a real saint." Pete shoots again and makes it. Clark says, "That's the way it used to be. I can't really expect you to understand. I mean, you have been gone for over three years. What have you been doing?" Pete says, "We don't all land our dream career like Chloe and Liana. Kind of been doing the roadie gig. Pays the bills." Clark says, "You could have at least returned one of my calls." Pete says, "You think it's easy saying goodbye to your best friend? I couldn't risk anyone using me to get to the truth about your secret. I figured it was better just leaving it all in the past." Clark says, "I didn't ask you to do that, Pete." Pete says, "I know, but it doesn't change the fact I've been looking over my shoulder ever since. I mean, I had to leave my life behind because of you, Clark. And to be honest... it was better than living in your shadow." Clark says, "I didn't know." Pete smiles and says, "Luckily, everything's changed." Clark watches Pete dunk, but he stretches to dunk it. Clark's surprised at Pete's newfound power and Pete smiles and says, "I finally brought my game up to your level, Clark." Clark says, "What happened to you?" Pete says, "Doesn't matter. The other night, I saved this girl, and I finally got a taste of what it felt like to be you. To be a hero." Clark walks closer to Pete and says, "Whatever it is, we need to find a way to reverse it." Pete frowns and says, "I should have known you couldn't be happy for me." Pete walks away and Clark follows him and says, "I want you to be careful." Pete says, "And what, hide like you?" Clark says, "This isn't you. It's the Kryptonite. And you know what it does, it warps your reality." Pete says, "The only thing warped is how many more people's lives you're gonna ruin by keeping your powers a secret. I'm not gonna make anyone live with that burden like you did. Things change, Clark. Time to share the glory, and if you try to stop me my secret isn't gonna be the only one in danger of being exposed." Pete walks off. Later, Liana finds Kara going through Clark's trunk in the loft. Liana says, "Are you looking for something?" Kara looks at Liana and says, "Um... Liana. Um, yeah, I was..." Liana says, "Kara, I don't think that Clark would appreciate you going through his things." Kara shows Liana some photos and says, "What do you know about these symbols?" Liana says, "As much as anyone in Smallville, I guess they're from a local Indian tribe." Kara says, "Then why were they on the bracelet I used to wear?" Liana says, "Well, maybe you bought it while you were here visiting the Kents or maybe they sent it to you as a present." Kara says, "You know what's amazing? How you and Clark can just lie on autopilot like that." Liana says, "Kara." Kara says, "I know about the symbols burned into the barn. And the fields. And I know about this. A tattoo you somehow don't have anymore." Liana softly says, "Where did you get these?" Kara says, "Lex." Liana says, "Kara, Lex has a way of being the hero at the exact moment that you need to be saved. I know how enticing that can be. One day, he'll turn the tables and you'll realize that everything was a lie." Kara says, "If you really wanna prove that Lex is the one lying... then just tell me the truth. It's obvious you're covering something. Please, Liana." Liana doesn't say anything, and Kara has her answer and walks away. Kara stops and looks at Liana and says, "You know, you can keep shoveling dirt over my past... but eventually... I'll uncover the truth." Kara then walks away and Liana sighs. 

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