Chapter 1 I worship you

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⚠️⚠️ WARNING ⚠️⚠️ ⚠️ The following story will and possibly have self harm, abuse, gore, thoughts of self harm, harming others, manipulation, controlling over another, and other possible triggers. While this is a x reader the too will be your hands wings and horns as long with markings on face, elf like ears all in that color. Rest is yours. And some characters will be different from cannon

As I walked down the hall of my stupid fucking school, I hate that I have to go home now. Not like here is any better. I can feel people's eyes on me, I don't even have to look up to see them move out of my way. I'll glade no one bothers me anymore but it would be nice to have..a friend. 

Almost kill one annoying just Glade this is my last year of school.

I put my books in my locker and start my walk home. I sigh as reach the door of my apartment complex. I unlock it and walk in. Closing it as quiet as I can. I didn't see my dad so maybe he's at the bar. I ran to my room but as soon as I opened the door and was about to walk I felt a agonizing pain in my head.

I fell to the floor and saw a broken beer bottle and some broken glass with blood on it. He hit me with a bottle again. "I'm going to the bar stay out of my fucking shit." He said. A while after he left I got up and went to the bathroom and took care of my new found injury. I've gotten very good at taking care of all kinds of injuries and stuff like that over the years.

Once done I lay on my bed and hope that's he gets so drunk to even remember me. When I was woken up by being thrown on the floor. "You fucking bitch. If you were never born your mother would still be here!" He yelled at me as he kicked my side. I haven't had the will to fight in years, but yet now I wanted this to stop in a different way. I wanted him to..kill me this time. Each hard kick and punch to my body was just agonizing pain. 

Living was agonizing pain.

After what felt like forever of the kicking and punching, he picked me up by my shirt. He walked forward before throwing me. I expected to hit the wall but I didn't. I felt glass. Glass break. He throw me through the window. I felt tears in my eyes as I looked at the night sky. And I smiled a little before I hit the ground.

But my first smile didn't last as I didn't die right away. No for God was never on my side, I laid there in pain looking at the sky. Why cant i have one good thing? Just once let me having something. Let me die.

I heard someone waking up to me from the woods, that was behind the apartments. "Hello M/n." I couldn't even talk.

"My name is Lucifer. And I have a offer for you. I have watched you for a while now and you have been through so much pain, I know I know." He said as he walked to me. He was tall and handsome. With black hair and red eyes that pierce the soul. He had on a black and red suit, and had..horns. big horns that go up to the sky. He voice was deep and dark. Yet he spoke so sweetly to me. It was calming.

"I want to help you." He said putting his clawed hand oh the side of my face, wiping away a tear of mine. "You will be reborn, and will get revenge on those who hurt you. All I ask is you kill who I need you to sometimes. And I promise to look after you, you can finally be loved." I wanted to die but his voice was deep like a sirens singing.

I wanted to say yes but I couldn't even fully open my mouth. "I understand dear child, just close your eyes and when you open then you will finally feel peace." I closed my eyes and slowly I felt no more pain. It was like a miracle.

My Savior {Offernderman X Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now