chapter 8

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Offenderman carefully taking ahold of m/ns wrists moving them up to his neck carefully. m/n with a slight head tilt allowed it. New but nice. Leaning in closer slowly he rested against offenders chest. He was warm, with soft breathing that made his chest rise and fall slowly.

He was so calming, and big. Oddly safe. As offenderman carefully wrapped his arms around m/ns waist holding him closer. "Do you want to," offenderman began before m/n book was summoned.

"Hm." M/n hummed swirling his hand to the right making the book open as it flipped threw the pages on its own. The black ink writing on the paper under his last victims name. "Oh my two planes crashed together all dead i assume."

He said getting up closing his book. "Seems i have to go. Grim reaper never sleeps i suppose."m/n said opening his wings. As he did so he stretched them before once more taking off. Traveling with the sound of the world following to the place with all the names written in the sky. A sign to show the location.

As he arrived he looked at the chaos of the aftermath of the crash. So many lost souls. Coming to a stop he looked around. "So much work." M/n said as he began to walk around and gather the souls.

"Do not fear me child." He would always say. It felt like forever so so many lost ones. "714 should be two more." He said to himself follow the green glow of the name.

As he around the tail of a plane he saw a child crying next to a mother. "Do not fear me child." He said walking over. "It is time to go."

"No..mommy my mommy won't wake up."

"Child she is alive. While you are not." Seeing as the sun was rising he had a idea. Flicking his wrist to the sky he set the sky to make a beautiful sun rise that would shine on them.

Placing a hand on the childs shoulder. "Life is never fair i know. But let me give peace. I promise she will be with you shortly. So why don't we make her a path to follow."

"A path?"

"Yes child, a path for your mother to follow." The child blinded a few times with a face like he was trying to remember.

"Yeah.." she mumbled standing taking m/n hand. "Who are you..?"

"I am the grim reaper."

"Your not scary like they say."

"Thank you."

"She's not coming yet is she."

"No." M/n said. "Today is not her day." He said as they dispersed from that realm.

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