Chapter 6

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"what?" The being now lost his shirk and looked confused.

"You are not a demon, not a angel so what are you. Clearly not human and you can't be like me because no one is like me for I simple am. So what are you?" The reaper asked confused,

"I'm a slender. And do you mean you are  simply 'am'?" The tall slender brother asked.

"I'm not a demon, nor a angle I'm simply just in between,above them. so I just am. What is a slender?"

"I'm offenderman. Slendermans brother, second oldest slender." ( His face is just the top image rn)

"Well I have nver heard of nor do I care, leave now." The grim reaper said sitting back down by the river.

"How about no, this is my fores after all." Offender smirked sitting next to the reaper handing his a red rose.

"How can you own a forest." M/n said taking the rose. "Hm it is very beautiful, thank you." He said as he twerled (I been trying to spell it right for the past 5 minutes-) the red rose slightly in his hand.

"It doesn't work on you?" Offender said frowning, guess he won't get lucky tonight.

"What won't work?"

"Nothing, nothing. Well each of my brothers owns there own mansion and forest. I usually stop in at slenders here and there since ours are just a road away from the north."

"I see. Well goodbye now." M/n said getting up ingnoring the weird creatures requests for him to stay as he opened a portal to his room below him and fell in it closing immediately after.

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