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Payton's POV:

I walk into Jadens room the next morning to see if Lessa is awake. Instead, I find 6 letters on the bed.
No. No. No. Please don't let this be what I think it is!

I run to the bathroom opening the door. Lessa is leaning against the wall a tub of pills on the floor.

"NO!" I cried. This couldn't be happening. I felt her wrist to feel if there was a pulse. Nothing. I checked her neck. Nothing. I'm too late. I burst into tears running out of the bathroom. I couldn't do it anymore. I fell to the floor wrapping my arms around myself. My twin sister is dead. She's dead. Not breathing. I can't live without her. She's my happiness. Josh ran in seeing me in tears he ran and knelt down next to me.

"Whats wrong buddy?"

"She's dead."


"Lessa's dead Josh. Go look for yourself!" I cried out as I felt my heart break even more.

He came out of the bathroom tears streaming down his face as he ran to get everyone else.

I could her mads and nessa crying as josh told them.
I heard some swearing from the boys.

I wish I could say I heard her heart beating. But I can't.

Everyone walked in. Most of them sobbing. Some with watery eyes.

They saw me and hugged me. I can't do this. I pushed past them, grabbed the letter with my name and ran. I ran outside. I ran to the beach. I ran away from everyone. I read my letter.

Dear Payton,

By the time you read this,I will be dead. I'm so sorry Payt. I love you so so so much but I can't live with the pain anymore. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm so so sorry that I never said goodbye properly. I will always be looking over you Payt. You're my twin brother. How could I not? I love you. Remember that. Please don't cry over me. Remember the good things that we have done together. Remember when we went to school everyday for a whole school year with cameras to capture every moment with our friends. I want you to look through those pictures Payton.
Remember when we went to the beach when we were 6 and mum and dad buried us under the sand and then forgot we were there so they left. Then about 30 minutes later they remembered they had 5 kids and drove back to collect us.
Remember when nessa was born and we all crowded around the room waiting to be allowed to hold her. Remember when dad nearly fainted even though he had seen mum give birth to us Mads and Josh already.
Remember when mum always got us to wear matching clothes when we were younger until we were 8 and you didn't think it was cool anymore so always got changed without help from then forwards.
Payton I want you to remember all the good things in your life. Find a girl or a boy that you love. Tell her/him you love them. Tell them about me. Show them the pictures. Heck! Show buddy pictures of me. Please don't make your child's first name Lessa! I mean middle name isn't as bad but not first name.
Carry on with your music Payton. Record 'Love Letter' send it to a record company. Build your career Payton because i know you can do it!
I will always love you payton. You're my best friend. My twin brother. My other half. I love you so much. Don't forget that.

Lots and lots of love
from Lessa


Josh's POV:

Dear Josh,

By the time you read this I'll be dead. I'm sorry I didn't say anything but the pain,it was hurting me more that I was telling anyone. I'm so sorry I didn't say goodbye to you properly. I will always be looking over you. How could I not? Thank you joshy for always loving us and caring for us all when mum and dad died. I will forever be grateful for that. You cared for us eben though you were still young yourself. Please don't cry over me joshy. Remember the good things. Remember when we tried racing to see who could finishe lemonade the fastest but you choked and spat lemonade all over me. So I got a whole bottle and poured it over your head. Then you poured a glass of cold water down my back. Mum got so mad that the kitchen was slippery. But then she splashed her watery hands over us and laughed. But then she told us to clean up.
Remember when I started getting bullied so you threatened to go to school yourself and beat them up for me but I laughed in your face and said Payton already did. You were so pissed. You wanted to do it but payton beat you!
Remember when I eavesdropped on you getting told off by mum and dad for not cleaning your room. You walked out,saw me and chased me upstairs so I crawled under your bed. You crawled under after and we sat there whispering for like 2 hours before mads came looking for us. She didn't find us. Well until you farted and I crawled away faster that usain bolt.
I will always love you Josh. You will always be my big brother. I will never forget you! Please for me name your dog buddy! I love you so so so much. Im sorry for leaving you so soon amd never saying goodbye.

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