18) awwwwww

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Recap: we have some good news and some bad news...

Josh's POV:

j: What is it?

Nu: we have found a cancerous tumour in her brain and it is getting bigger everyday. The only thing we can do is get her to start chemo. And even then we don't know if that will help beat it. We will take her for her final scan for now and then bring her in here where you will need to explain to her what is going to happen.

The nurse walked out of the room and I broke down onto the floor and so did Payton. Mads screamed into the sofa/couch and burst out crying. Nessa had woke up just as the nurse walked in so she heard too and she started crying into Charli's chest. none of the boys or girls knew why this upset us so much but they could tell it was something personal.

Just then I saw ness running to me and I enveloped her into a tight grip as she cried softly. It was heart breaking to see my brother and sisters this heartbroken and I knew that I was letting mum and dad down. They would be looking down at me now and shouting at me.

You should be keeping the family together not making them cry

stop crying you wimp

you are a disgrace to the family

Jaden's POV:

J:No please I'm sorry ill make it up to you its all my fault no please please don't say that IM SORRY PLEASE!

I rushed over to Josh and picked nessa up passing her quickly to Anthony. I knew what was happening this had happened to me many times in the past. I went through major depression a few years ago that's why I started tiktok and music. I felt like I could talk to my fans through tiktok, and I could sing my pain. I would let all my emotions sink into the lyrics and then I would feel better when I knew that it was a success.

Ja: Josh listen to me you are amazing none of this is your fault there is no need to be sorry. Joshy please listen to me

He was just staring into space crying and listening to whoever was speaking to him.

j: please forgive me I'm sorry I'm so so sorry

then he broke down in my arms. I held onto him tightly and rocked him side to side whispering soothing things to him. after a few minutes I felt him grow gradually heavier and knew he was asleep.
I picked him up and carried him to the sofa/couch 🛋️ where Mads got up quickly.I placed him down gently trying not to wake him up I looked around the room to see Payton and Nessa asleep so I asked Mads why they were all like... Well this.
What she said next was not what I was expecting.

M: our mum died when Nessa was a baby and a few years later our dad committed suicide because he was so upset about mum.

Then she started crying again.

Ja: you don't have to tell me.

I said softly.

M: no no I need to get it out now I started. She died because of cancer.
It started with sweating, being sleepy all the time, losing weight. Then we found out she had a tumor. They tried everything but she died less than a year later. We couldn't get over it. We were still young. Dad spent everyday in his room only coming out for some food and water but that was only by his door because we put it there. When we didn't hear anything in his room one day, we barged the door down and he...he was lying there not moving no heart beat no pulse he was dead. Last year me and Josh decided we wanted to move because the house brought to many memories. Lessa was being bullied badly and Nessa was too. We knew we needed to leave fast but we had nowhere to go. We spent everyday looking for houses. Eventually after a few months, we found one. It was in LA where we had always wanted to go and we brought it. We had the money from our parents as it got equally shared and we flew out a few weeks later. We turned up at the house and found out that it had been sold to another family. We had lost the house and our money. We ended up on the streets for a few weeks before you guys found us. Then it went from there to here.

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