A galaxy divided by war! Peaceful worlds must choose sides or face the threat of invasion. Republic and Separatist armies vie for the allegiance of neutral planets. Desperate to build a Republic supply base on the system of Toydaria, Jedi Master Yoda and his Padawan Talion Vizsla travel to secret negotiations on a remote neutral moon...
(Cliff Side)
On the moon of Rugosu, King Katuunko and two of his Toydarian guards exit their ship. The king uses his scanner to search for the republic ship that Master Yoda and Padawan Vizsla are being transported on.
Toydarian Guard: We are getting no signal from the Republic, your highness.
King Katuunko: I don't see anything. It is not like the Jedi to be late.
???: Greetings, King Katuunko.
Suddenly, Ventress approaches with two battle droids at her side. She respectively bows to the king, while the Toydarian guards aim defense of the king.
King Katuunko: (places his hands over his guards' rifles and pushes them down) Who are you?
Ventress: I am only a messenger, Majesty. My master wishes to speak with you.
Ventress uses the Force to place a holoprojector on the ground, which then produces a hologram of the leader of the Separatists Alliance, and Sith Lord, Count Dooku.
Dooku (Hologram): Katuunko, great king of Toydaria, forgive my intrusion.
King Katuunko: Count Dooku.
Dooku (Hologram): I am aware Master Yoda and Padawan Vizsla hope that you will allow the Jedi to build a Republic base in your system in exchange for protection, correct?
King Katuunko: Your spies serve you well, Count.
Dooku (Hologram): I ask, how can the Jedi protect you if they cannot protect themselves?
In space, a Republic cruiser arrives near Rugosa. Inside it, a clone is attempting to make contact with King Katuunko.
Clone: (into headset) Toydarian Royal Delegation, this is the Republic Envoy. Please respond.
Yoda and his young padawan walk into the pilot room.
Clone: (to Yoda & Talion) General, Commander, the Toydarians' beacon is active on the moon, but all our transmissions are being jammed.
Talion: (to Yoda) Do you think someone else is there with them, Master?
Yoda: (contemplates) Hmm.
As the cruiser flies closer to Rugosa, a Separatist cruiser appears out of hyperspace and starts opening fire at the Republic ship. Not long after, another Separatist cruiser appears as well. The onslaught of Separatist fire badly damages the Republic cruiser.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Knight of The Jedi)
Fanfiction(I do not own Star Wars, the only thing I do own are my OCs. Also, out of all my stories this one I may have the most difficult time updating, but I promise I will do my best to update as soon as possible and make each chapter enjoyable for old and...