(Season 1) Rising Malevolence

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The clone star fleet is under siege! Dozens of Republic warships have been destroyed in merciless surprise attacks that leave no survivors. Rumors spread of a terrible new Separatist weapon. In the face of growing fear, the Jedi Council send Master Plo Koon and Jedi Padawan, Talion Vizsla to hunt down the menace before it strikes again...

(Space, Abregado System)

Aboard the starship, titled the 'Triumphant', Master Plo Koon, Talion Vizsla, and Clone Commander Wolffe locate a Seperatist warship in the Abregado system.

Aboard the starship, titled the 'Triumphant', Master Plo Koon, Talion Vizsla, and Clone Commander Wolffe locate a Seperatist warship in the Abregado system

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Wolffe: (to Plo Koon) The enemy ship has reduced its speed, General.

Master Plo Koon nods his head slightly in acknowledgment.

Plo Koon: They must have realized we are tracking them.


Meanwhile, onboard the Seperatist cruiser, titled the 'Malevolence', battle droids work at their stations on the console, as General Grevious and Count Dooku approach on deck.

Battle Droid 1: We're tracking three Republic cruisers. What should we do?

Grievous growls frustratingly and Dooku's eyes narrow.

Dooku: Jam their transmissions.


Wolffe: The fleet is holding its position, sir.

Plo Koon: (turns to the commander) I think it wise to report our position before we attack.

Plo heads for the briefing room with Alan and Wolffe following in tow.

Wolffe: Skywalker's fleet is nearby in the Bith system.

Talion: Hopefully, Master Skywalker can give us support.

Wolffe: From what I hear, Skywalker's always ready for a fight.

Plo Koon: So I've heard.

Plo Koon activates the holographic communicator, contacting Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.

Ahsoka (Hologram): (smiles upon seeing friendly faces) Koh-to-ya, Master Plo. Koh-to-ya, Talion

Plo Koon: Koh-to-ya, little 'Soka.

Talion: (smiles warmly) Koh-to-ya, old friend.

Anakin (Hologram): (crosses his arms and grins) How's the hunt for the mystery weapon going?

Plo Koon: We've tracked it to the Abregado system. We need reinforcements.

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