Chapter 32

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I ignored Loki for the next few days, not wanting him to read my mind and find out about the dream. I mainly stayed in my room and watched TV, which wasn't too far off from what I typically do. Loki came up to my room a few times or we would occasionally run into each other in the hall and he would try to talk to me, but I would ignore it and repeat a phrase in my head repeatedly, shutting him out of my mind.


There was a knock at my door and I sighed, already knowing who it was on the other side.

Can't hide from my problems forever. I thought.

I got up from where I was sitting on my bed and walked over to the door, opening it and looking up to Loki.

"I'm coming in." He annouced, brushing past me and walking into my room.

I rolled my eyes and shut the door, turning around to face him.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked ubruptly, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

I'm not.

"Yes you are." He started. "This is the first time you've opened the door to talk to me in days and you're shutting me out of your mind. Hell, you won't even make eye contact with me for more than a split second."

It's nothing, Loki.

"When you do talk to me, like you just did, you don't use any nicknames like usual. What the hell is going on, Y/n?"

I said it's nothing.

"It's clearly something!"

I looked at him but didn't say anything. We stared at each other from opposite ends of the room.

Don't think.

Don't think.

Don't think.

"Y/n, why are you so determined to keep me out of your mind?"

Did you ever think that I don't like you reading my mind? It's not fun, okay? There's some things that I want to keep private and I can't do that with you always reading my thoughts and shit.

"You could have just asked for me to stop."

No I couldn't have! I've known you for a month and not once have you followed a rule or order, other than having to follow me around like a fucking lost puppy! You really think that I would believe that you would just back off if I asked you to?

"It would have been worth a shot to at least ask!"

Nothing is worth a shot anymore, Loki! Nothing in my life turns out good. I always end up suffering in the end and I always will.

"You know I know what that's like!"

Do you? Because that's not how it seems.

Loki scoffed lightly and I rolled my eyes before resuming staring at him, my chest rising and falling quickly as I refilled the air in my lungs.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

You know exactly what it means. You get everything, Loki. Everything always works out for you somehow, while I'm stuck in the endless cycle of finally trusting someone and then having to watch them die or leave me.

"I have lost everyone I have ever loved, excluding Thor. Don't think for a second that I don't know what it's like to lose who's closest to you."

He broke eye contact and looked to the right of him, his gaze tracing over the posters hanging up on my newly painted walls before returning to me.

I swallowed deeply and glared at him. It wasn't until now that I realized how close we were now standing to each other. I could faintly feel his cool, minty breath on my nose as I stood half a foot away from him.

Loki looked down at me and into my eyes. He leaned down quickly and captured my lips with his. My eyes widened before relaxing and fluttering closed as I kissed back.

I slid my hand up Loki's t-shirt covered chest and rested it on the back of his neck, my fingers weaving through his raven colored hair before pulling his head down closer to me. Loki placed one hand on the side of my face, cupping it gently, and another on my hip, his thumb brushing over the bare skin my shirt wasn't covering at the moment. Our lips moved in perfect sync, fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.

We pulled away a few moments later to catch our breath. I stared into his blue-green eyes and 

"So, you want to tell me about that dream?" Loki asked, a smirk playing on his lips as his hand that was cupping my face moved to my my other hip.

How did you-You mother fucker! You used your witchy powers and shit on me while I was asleep! I shook my head and let out a slight laugh that I was trying to keep in.

"Surprise!" He grinned.

I hate you.

"Really, because I thought that kiss said otherwise."

I rolled my eyes, not being able to keep away the small smile that was appearing on my face.



That happened.

This was not how I planned on this chapter going. I planned on having like a month time skip and then have something happen that brings them together but this works I guess. The last few paragraphs kinda just wrote them selves.

And in my defense, it was 1 am when I wrote that and I can't be bothered to change it and rewrite over 300 words.


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