Baby Jonas

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Nick:Today we find out if it's a boy or girl Alena has a new cousin *smiling* yay

Rissa:I'm so happy right now I Love you Nick

Nick:I love you 2 baby and glad to be a dad *smiles*

*Rissa at her Dr with Nick*

Nurse:*looks at the screen* well Mrs Jonas it looks like your having a girl *smiles*

Nick:Hi baby girl daddy loves you and mommy so much *kisses your head*

Rissa:Awe a little girl *smiling* so happy Nick

Nick:We should tell my family baby *kisses u*

Rissa:Good idea and we should pick out a name for her when will she be born

Nurse:September 14 is your due date *cleans you up*

Nick:OMJ that's before my birthday so happy baby

*everyone is at Nick house*

Joe:So what's the big news bro *smiles* I get to be an uncle again so happy yay

Nick:It's a girl and she is due September 14 before my birthday so happy

Dani:Alena has a new cousin so happy to be an Aunt *hugs Rissa* congrats sis so happy for you & Nick

Kevin:I'm an uncle so happy what are you going to name her Nick so happy

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