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Nick:You can't run away that easy *chases Rissa around the house*

Rissa:You will never catch me Nicholas Jerry Jonas *laughs falls on the ground* ow that hurt

Nick:You ok Baby girl *helps her up* we been Best Friends ever since we were little and have a lot in common

Rissa:Yes I'm ok and I know we both love acting and music *smiles*

Nick:Rissa I wanted to ask you something if that's ok with you

Rissa:Sure Nick what's up *looks at him* tell me go ahead Nicky

Nick:Well there is this girl I have a crush on and wanted to take out on a date but I don't want to ruin my friendship with her *looks at you*

Rissa:Well you should tell her how you feel about her and see if she feels the same way about you *smiles* who is she Nick

Nick:the girl I have a crush on is you Rissa *puts my arms around you*

Rissa:Really it's me well truth is I've always had a crush on you Nick

Nick:That's great I'm glad we have a lot in common *hugs you tight*

Rissa:Not too tight Nick *smiles* do you remember when we first met

Nick:Yes I do and will never forget it best day ever when we became Best Friends my whole family loves you

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