The date

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Nick:I want to take you on a date Rissa

Rissa:Sounds good to me Nick *smiles*

Nick:Great tonight we go to a Yankees game then dinner *kisses her head*

*They go to a Yankees game*

Nick:I Love how we both love the Yankees *takes a picture puts it on Instagram* At The Yankees with Rissa

Rissa:I do Love the Yankees *smiles* I'm enjoying this Nick *watches the game*

Nick:Were going to Dinner then watch the stars *holds her hand opens the door* my lady *smiling*

Rissa:Awe such a Gentlemen *smiling* I'm glad we became Best Friends Nick

Nick:I'm glad we are too Rissa and I wanted to ask you something *nervous* I don't want to ruin our Friendship *holds her hand*

Rissa:sure go ahead *holds your hand* you won't I promise Nick *nods*

Nick:I'm glad and will you be my girlfriend please *strokes your cheek*

Rissa:I thought you never ask and yes I will be your girlfriend *smiles* Nick

Nick:I Love you so much baby *kisses you* let's go eat now ok baby girl

Rissa:I Love you too baby *kisses you*

*they eat dinner and watch the stars*

Nick:That was fun let's go home baby

Rissa:Yes it was and glad were together

Nick:Me 2 baby I Love you so much *kisses you softly* you mean the world to me we should tell my family

Rissa:Good idea baby they will be so happy for us they love me *giggles*

Nick:I never want to lose you or make fun of you I would never do those things I promise baby you are Perfect the way you are *holds her close*

Rissa:you really think so Nick *looks at you* sometimes I feel like I will get made fun cause of the way I look

Nick:Yes I really think so you are perfect the way you are and nobody will ever make fun of you not as long as I'm around and it doesn't matter how you look what matters is what's on the inside not the outside and I know you got a rare Auto immune disorder and that's ok with me baby girl *kisses her head* you are Beautiful smart talented and don't you ever forget that ok baby

Rissa:I won't and your right I Love you Nick *kisses your cheek* I can't wait to hear your new Music super excited and can't wait to see it

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