Nick tells Fan off

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Nick:Thanks Kevin your the best hope Rissa is ok *sighs* I hate when fans send her hate like that well some do and some just love her like I do bro

Dani:Rissa you are stronger then this you are a much better person Nick loves you for you and expects you for you we all love you *hugs you smiles*

Rissa:Your right Dani I am stronger then this who cares what that fan thinks Nick loves me for me *smiles*

*Dani and Rissa walk back to the guys*

Nick:Hey baby girl you ok *kisses her* I Love you so much were going on a double date tonight with Kevin and Dani *smiles* sound good baby girl

Rissa:yes I am good who cares what that fan thinks and yes I love you so much *tweets* Nick Loves me for me and I love him for that to all the fans I love you 2 stay strong don't let anyone bring you down and to the fan who hurt me back off Nick is mine and if you can't expect the fact that I'm with him and your not well get over it and your not a true fan so leave me and Nick alone and I'm a warrior like Demi

Nick:That's my girl *tweets* I'm so proud of my baby girl she is my warrior let's get ready for the date tonight baby

*they get ready for there date Dani wears red dress black heels Rissa wears Blue dress black flats*

Dani:You look Beautiful Rissa *takes pic puts it on Instagram* Going on a double date with Nick and Rissa

Kevin:*comments* you both look Beautiful Love you both and ready to go bro *smiles* ready to go Dani

Nick:*comments* you look Gorgeous baby Love you both and yes I am bro

*they all go on a double date Mama J watches Alena*

Rissa:so where are we going Kevin *smiling holds Nick's hand* Kevin

Kevin:We are going to dinner then Nick has a surprise for you Rissa *smiles*

Rissa:Nicholas Jerry Jonas what are you up to *giggles* tell me Nick

Kevin:lol she used your full name bro *laughs high fives Rissa* good one

Nick:Haha very funny Kevin and nothing I can't surprise my girlfriend and you will get it later *winks*

Rissa:oh boy not the wink *giggles

Nick:you will love your surprise baby *kisses her* I love you so much Rissa

*paparazzi takes there picture*

Rissa:Awe your so sweet baby *smiles* I love you so much your so handsome

*fan comes up to them*

Kevin:oh great look Nick it's the fan that's hating on Rissa *angry* what does she want now can't we eat in peace jeez ugh stupid fan *more angry*

Fan:Hey Nick Kevin Danielle you look beautiful tonight and you guys look so handsome *smiles* oh look it's the ugly loser you don't belong with Nick lol

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