Photo shoot

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Nick:we get to do a photo shoot together baby and it's today we have to leave now

*Nick and Rissa do the photo shoot fans love it*

Rissa:I had fun baby *kisses your cheek tweets* had so much fun today at the photo shoot with @NickJonas make sure to see his new music video for Jealous

Nick:Thank you baby and glad you got to be part of my new music video *kisses her* so did Joe that's why I got Jealous cause he hugged you for a long time and now let's go to dinner love you

*they go to dinner with Joe*

Joe:I can't wait to see your new album Rissa super excited and great the paparazzi are here *sighs* how do they always find us

Nick:I know right why can't they just leave us alone anyways fans love the song we sang baby and I love it cause you wrote it for me

Rissa:Yes I did write it for you Nick and you Inspired the song *smiles* I'm glad that they love it and thank you for making my dreams come true I love you Nick

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